Does the Grail exist? - page 3

Mischek >>:

Какая ржака, они нашли друг друга, дети лейтенанта Шмидта

xrust >>:

вот чел и пришел сюда похвастатся,

20 trades with a stop loss of at least a profit, nothing to be proud of, and we don't seem worthy of discussing. In the end, james bond got away

Yeah it's been a good week.....
From Monday to Friday we have seen a lot on this forum.
But let us approach any ideas and statements of different people more adequately. If a man wants to prove something, you have to give him the opportunity, it may not be any worse.
I remember a comrade, a newcomer, was very green. It was interesting and funny to follow him. He also made a statement that he knows the grail. Personally, I from the whole forum joined him in a battle of who's who. We have identified the pairs, determined the timeframe, opened demo accounts and the matter ended up in the forum, but the grail has been dissolved somewhere between the quotes.

Let's give them an opportunity, a man asks for it, he wants to risk his reputation, what have we got to lose here....
HIDDEN писал(а) >>
Yeah it's been a good week.....
From Monday to Friday we've seen a lot on this forum.
But let us approach any ideas and statements of different people more adequately. If a person wants to prove something, you have to give him the opportunity, it may not be any worse.
I remember a comrade here, a new one, was very green. It was interesting and funny to follow him. He also made a statement that he knows the grail. Personally, I from the whole forum joined him in a battle of who's who. We have identified the pairs, determined the timeframe, opened demo accounts and the matter ended up in the forum, but the grail has been dissolved somewhere between the quotes.

Let's give them an opportunity, a man asks for it, he wants to risk his reputation, what have we got to lose here....

what did we ask for? a few words about his system...

sever29 >>:

что мы тут попросили запретного? несклько слов о его системе...

That he won't describe his system is read between the lines. In fact, everything is trivial, by the 10th page of flooding, the price of the grail will be announced. Branch will be recorded in the appropriate branch it will be taken down. If I'm wrong and the author really wants to post projections (and he's today's 3rd or 4th who has projections) then let him do it. If not, he will write and discuss everything that needs to be discussed and the strategy will be turned into a bot.


То что он описывать систему свою не будет, читается между строк. На самом деле все банально, к 10-й странице флуда, будет объявлена цена грааля. Ветку запишем в соответствующею ветку её снесут. Если я ошибаюсь и автор ветки реально хочет выкладывать прогнозы (а он за сегодня уже 3-й или 4-й кто с прогнозами) то пусть выкладывает. Народ по картинкам и индюки найдет, если нет так напишет и обсудить все что нужно обсудит и стратегию в бота превратит.

There is no system there, it is not a trading bot, but pure trading and there would be no such triviality as you have described because you do not have enough money to buy such structured knowledge and the ability to operate with it. You have ruined everything for yourself again - you had a chance to talk to an interesting person. And now you can talk about the weather or something else... or rather think about why this is happening.

Why argue for a long time and say he is a cool trader and has the grail...the grail is there and he is the only one who WILL have the grail!!!
FantasYGold >>:
probeGal >>:

Сами же себе опять всё испортили - имели шанс пообщаться с интересным человеком.

is anyone else interested besides you?

vasya_vasya >>:

кроме вас кому то еще интересно?

I am not, I am here for another reason. I am interested in another - why you are not interested ... ah yes this is a forum of amateur fishermen who a priori consider themselves dumber than a locomotive.
SZS: No, I'm not lying, one point of curiosity though, is the calculator used or not, but it's just irrelevant to the matter :)

Funny people...!
They notice some well-known pattern, enter it successfully a couple of times, or even not a couple of times, but without any stops, the price returns often..... and everyone's going to say they've found the grail...
Well, well, happy stop-out...

My friend was very good too. He did not brag about his grail but simply increased his deposit 4 times in a fortnight...
And he ended up with the same thing...
Because the price does not go back once.
Just once. And that's when everything is lost. "All that is gained by hard work..."