What is everyone looking for? - page 21

AlexEro писал(а) >>

SProgrammer, your second nickname "Atic" gives away your personal semantics and exactly the same errors-on-the-spot in Russian.

Oh, I forgot to ask: do you know what "semantics" is?

I'm terribly happy for you, :) Glad you're paranoid and not just shielding... :)
getch писал(а) >>
Is there a problem with the efficiency calculation?

There is no problem - you just need to develop a methodology and write something like an expert to calculate it.
SProgrammer >>:

Я сообственно и не оабращаю, причем что удивительно, я даже не ожидал, такой поддержки :)) Но на самом делое спасибо, господа! Я не обращаю, :)) Нектороые говроят что это то приходится платить за некоторую попуклярность.

No, AlexEro, it's not him. The Programmer has emoticons through every sentence, and there are far more mistakes. Not him.

vlad123 писал(а) >>

I'll throw in my 5 kopeck.
Is there a single reliable tip (more than X trades, with a clear positive trend), which gives at least +3% to the bank (for the year)?
I have my doubts.
If there is, then please.
And if you want to know what to do with it, you need to tweak it. No need.
>>Thank you.

That's the point! At my gaze here more programmers who expect to sell their services, well, draw conclusions - whether they have the knowledge and some naboatki to make a profit. No, of course not. But you have to work, the only thing that "crazy" less in the way. :)

joo >>:

Не, AlexEro, это не он. У Программера смайлики через каждое предложение, и ошибок намного больше. Не он.

Yes he is. There can't be two paranormals with the same language impairment on the same forum. Read Atica's thread:


- it's got the same syntax errors. Well, maybe when he changes his nickname he tries to change his style a bit. He lives another life, so to say.

The programmer himself confessed that he has 5 or 6 nicknames here = all like xProgrammer. Who else have you seen on what forum 5-6 nicknames? Why would a normal person need so many of them? Or maybe the "security expert" regularly forgets passwords to forums and e-mails? And he accuses me of being insane and paranoid?!

And now he's advertising himself. Personally, I have only seen it from scams like Gerchik or MasterForex - they register on forums under several identities and sing praises to themselves like "from independent traders".


Atic >>:
Почитал... ужаснулся ну ведь какая гнусная публика бывает. SProgrammer, право не стоит, обращать на них внимание. В них говорит зависть.

Where is the vile public, Atic? I haven't seen much vileness in this thread.

Mathemat >>:

А где она, гнусная публика, Atic? В этой ветке особых гнустостей что-то не замечено.

Я! Я! Blame it on me! I have the right face and the right nickname. )))


Thought about changing the nickname and avatar (MD advised), but I think: No, Volodya, you can't change your personality for nothing. Let it be as it is...

Svinozavr >>:

Я! Я! На меня все валите! И рожей подхожу, и ник соответствующий. )))


Думал тут было ник с аватаркой менять (MD советовал), но потому думаю: нет, Володя, свою суть за просто так не поменяешь. Пусть будет как есть...

Boo-ha-ha! Colleague, you know, after you started quoting traders from Schwager's book, I personally started to have a little more respect for you. Now there are two of us on the forum - those who have read Schwager's books (well ... the other one is ... well.... me). Oops! I double-checked - that was Avals. Well, never mind - I respect you, now it's just the three of us.... Svinozavr, Avals, AlexEro and FIVE xProgrammers. That's the maths.

AlexEro >>:

Бу-га-га! Коллега, Вы знаете, после того как Вы начали цитировать трейдеров из книга Швагера, лично я стал относиться к Вам с несколько бОльшим уважением. Теперь нас на форуме двое - тех кто читал книги Швагера (ну ... второй - это я).

What exactly is Schwager's?

Schwager D. "Stock Market Wizards" or "Stock Market Wizards" or "Technical Analysis. The Complete Course"?

joo >>:

А что именно Швагеровское?

Швагер Д. "Биржевые маги" или "Маги фондового рынка" или "Технический анализ. Полный курс"?

"Magicians." Although they're not "wizards" at all. They are just "normal guys". I believe that even Schwager himself did not fully understand exactly what these people, who are responsible for TENS OF MILLIONS of other people's money, were telling him in interviews. You just have to read VERY carefully and have more respect for what they say (and what they refused to say).