What is everyone looking for? - page 26

Mathemat >>:
Основная тема ветки как-то заглохла. S, давай расшевели ее, выдай еще что-нибудь из своих загашников.

So simply answered already, everyone's looking for money, now it's okay to flub.

LeoV >>:

Какой вопрос про индикаторы? Я может потерялся? ))))

I also thought so: either I am a fool or the author is drunk again. But now it is clear: his office ("Aquarium") gives him tasks in English to investigate whether the Russians are working in the direction they are interested in. But the direction they are interested in is described to SProgrammer in ENGLISH. And he does not have to give it to SProgrammer. So he panting, translating all this econometric rubbish into Russian. HIS Russian. The result is all this bullshit, which we here are forced to read and guess.

SProgrammer, don't worry - a layman can't understand your statements, but a person AT THE TIME and between your words will guess in what direction you are working there at GS.

I understand - it is NOT EASY to translate into "Russian" from Hindi-English of a stoned Hindu mathematician. Otherwise you wouldn't have written at the end "well, it's like this...".

(Bummer. )))
Okay. Sabjmaker's treatment is only to spoil. // your own nerves as well. )))
The only thing, if almost on topic, is the "gloom and fog" of discussing with the targeting for the various elements of the TC. For the TC itself - clear. There's nothing to figure out. Well, except the nuances of equity curves for different mental types of players and investors, if any - smoothness, drawdowns etc.
And here, for example, I was looking for (on topic, sic!) the resistance of TS to discontinuities and evaluated the TS by this very parameter at a particular stage of development.
And such specific, but important for operation areas of search "What?" are enough.
And so - flooding, by which we can judge only about the degree of posters' involvement in the process of real trade. Somewhere like this...
Oops, sorry - meant to say: such is the case...
Svinozavr >>:
Жесть. )))
Ладно. Сабжмейкера лечить - только портить. // свои нервы в т.ч. )))
Единственное что, если почти по теме, то это "мрак и туман" обсуждающих с целеполаганиям для различных элементов ТС. Для самой ТС - ясно. Тут и выяснять нечего. Ну, разве что, нюансы по кривулькам эквити для разных псих. типов игроков и инвесторов, если таковые предполагаются, - плавность, просадки etc.
А вот, например, я искал (по теме, sic!) устойчивость ТС к разрывам связи и оценивал ТС именно по этому параметру на конкретном этапе разработки.
И таких специфических, но важных для эксплуатации областей поиска "Чего?" достаточно.
А так - флуд, по которому можно судить разве что ль о той или иной степени вовлеченности постящих в процесс реальной торговли. Где-то так...
Ой, пардон - хотел сказать: такие дела...

Take your time, colleague. Don't underestimate the analysis of your own equity. Do you think that an American Cossack is just given such an assignment?

The point is that trading rule of thumb: "Risk= no more than 2...5 percent of equity per idea", which automatically leads to diversification of the position portfolio. And the movement of your balance and equity thus itself becomes CONNECTED. And a simple thehanalysis of the movement of OUR equity in some "very bad" cases, when "everything goes wrong", can close bad positions in advance, cutting off losses of previously defined stops. So, not just "drawdown", but a CONSTANT subtle analysis of your own portfolio of positions, with forecasting and extrapolation. So, you may feel free to add the block of equity movement thechanalysis to your trading system. This is even more relevant for you, my colleague, as you are interested in shares. It would be useful for you to know when the market is not just demonstrating an UNINCREDIBLE movement, but also an UNDERSTANDING non-defined movement of your equity.

AlexEro >>:

Не торопитесь, коллега. Не надо недооценивать анализ собственного эквити. Вы думаете - просто так казачку-америкосу дают такое задание?

Дело в том, что, используя эмпирическое правило риска трейдинга "не более 2...5 процентов капитала на одну идею", отсюда автоматом приходим к диверсификации портфеля позиций. А движение баланса и эквити таким образом само становится СЛОЖНЫМ. И простейший теханализ движения СОБСТВЕННОГО эквити может в отдельных "очень плохих" случаях, когда "всё идёт не так" - закрывать плохие позиции ЗАРАНЕЕ, отсекая убытки ранее назначенных стопов. Так что не просто "просадка", а ПОСТОЯННЫЙ тонкий анализ собственного портфеля позиций, с прогнозированием и экстраполяцией. Так что можете смело добавить в свою торговую систему блок теханализа движения эквити. Вам, коллега это тем более актуально, потому что Вы интересуетесь акциями. Вам ведь будет полезно знать, когда на рынке не просто разворачивается НЕПОНЯТНОЕ движение, а ещё и НЕПОНЯТНОЕ не-пре-определённое Вами движение Вашего эквити?

Alex! ))) Who's against it? That's what I'm saying - if we're going to discuss it, it should be concrete. Otherwise... who's the watermelon, who's the pork cartilage.

There was, by the way, a branch in a similar direction. Only my long-standing humble experiments confirming the speculative conclusions find such an approach less effective than the traditional (song-and-dance for TA) approach. There are two key spoilers here: measurement with trades and a delay of one step more than with the classical approach.

AlexEro писал(а) >>

Take your time, colleague. Don't underestimate the analysis of your own equity. Do you think that an American Cossack is just given such an assignment?

The point is that trading rule of thumb: "Risk= no more than 2...5 percent of equity per idea", which automatically leads to diversification of the position portfolio. And the movement of your balance and equity thus itself becomes CONNECTED. And a simple thehanalysis of the movement of OUR equity in some "very bad" cases, when "everything goes wrong", can close bad positions in advance, cutting off losses of previously defined stops. So, not just "drawdown", but a CONSTANT subtle analysis of your own portfolio of positions, with forecasting and extrapolation. So, you can easily add the block of equity movement thechanalysis to your trading system. This is even more relevant for you, my colleague, as you are interested in shares. It would be useful for you to know when the market is not just demonstrating an UNEBRASED movement, but also an UNEBRASED non-defined movement of your equity.

I personally sympathize with your approach, and how else could it be. >> that's the only way. But don't overestimate Sinosaurus :))) I think he's just starting out. And you're really frightening him. There'll be plenty of places in his life where he'll be disappointed. But all in good time.

))) No, I can't. Sometimes it feels like I'm from another planet when I'm in this forum. ("Where are you going, Petyka, this Forex is full of ...") So, gentlemen ... um... enthusiasts, if it seems to me that you are real (in the sense of professional trading) fellows, you may get some more insight. With my age as a trader, comparable to the age of the Universe (under the name of RF FF) // Wow, you bent it!!!)))
such a thing can be read at a glance - who really earns something and who is, at best, a disinterested single-motor enthusiast.
I have nothing against enthusiastic explorers - I'm like that myself sometimes, that's why I hang out here, but the boorish youth and well-read teenagers are a nuisance sometimes.

However, it's a cost that I'm used to. Just don't think it's taken at face value. Don't get snippy with me - (I won't either)))
Let's just discuss what we're all interested in here, OK?
Looks like the spy passion has subsided, but I think there will be more ............. :))) (I happily filtered it out, someone noticed that there was a lot of useful stuff in it, sort of between the lines, I noted something there too ......... agree with the retort)

AlexEro wrote (a) >>
The point is, using the trading risk rule of thumb "risk=no more than 2...5 percent capital per idea", hence automatically come to diversification of portfolio positions. And the movement of your balance and equity thus itself becomes CONNECTED

Taki returned to MM and deversifications ............... and immediately started clapping his hands. So what to do with the turkeys now? Or TA as a panacea for paranoia?

AlexEro wrote (a) >>
And a rudimentary thehanalysis of OWN equity movements can in some "very bad" cases when "things are going wrong" - close bad positions PREDICTELY, cutting off losses of previously assigned stops. So not just "drawdown", but a CONSTANT subtle analysis of your own position portfolio, with forecasting and extrapolation

I, on the other hand, find your approach totally unsympathetic, as it translates into completely haphazard action .......... no matter how you look at it.
And it all ends up with a preponderance of "very bad" cases where "everything goes wrong"
Svinozavr писал(а) >>
))) Nah, I can't. Sometimes it seems that I got to this forum as from another planet. ("Where are you going, Petyka, this Forex is all about...") So, gentlemen... um... enthusiasts, if it seems to me that you are real (in the sense of professional trading) fellows, you may get some more insight. With my age as a trader, comparable to the age of the Universe (under the name of RF FF) // Wow, you bent it!!!)))
such a thing can be read at a glance - who really earns something and who is, at best, a disinterested single-motor enthusiast.
I have nothing against enthusiastic explorers - I'm like that myself sometimes, that's why I hang out here, but the boorish youth and well-read teenagers are a nuisance sometimes.

However, it's a cost that I'm used to. Just don't think it's taken at face value. Don't get snide with me - (I won't either)))
Let's just discuss what we're all interested in here, OK?

Yes I agree to discuss but I just really don't like liars. I mean you here, YOU LEAVE WHAT YOU EARN - that you only live off what you earn from forex.

And don't just write someone down as a youth, I was born around 1964. What about you? I was born in 1964, so Alex was born the same year :) And remember, it's the easiest thing to check your age.

SProgrammer >>:

Да я согласен обсуждать но просто очень не люблю врунов. Я тут Вас имею в виду, ВЫ ВРЕТЕ ЧТО ЗАРАБАТЫВАЕТ, что живете только с того что заработаете на форексе.

Bullshit. I've NEVER written that I live off forex. Yes, I made some money on Forex in 2009 and even paid taxes, but it's "pennies". I live off forex. And I have no other occupation.

And don't just write someone down as a youth, I was born around 1964. And you? And your Alex is also about the same age.) And remember, it's the easiest thing to check your age.

I agree. I myself do not like to appeal to age - it's a second-rate polemic, it's not comical.

By the way, you and I are "roughly" the same age.

!!!))) "You don't remember his phone number? - No. - Well, at least approximately?" ))))))))))))) // Dovlatov "Solo on Underwood"