What is everyone looking for? - page 23

Mischek >>:

Так и просится " Из двух бездарных генералов, один обречен на победу" (с) хз

Do you think there are that many very clever mathematicians on the other side of the market, with very cool forecasting programmes? That impression is greatly exaggerated. GS recently fucked up twice on the eurik, and had to close BIG positions at a loss - first in one direction, and then a couple weeks later (ha ha) in the other direction. And yet they have all the client base, super comps, insiders. And it still didn't work.

So "Be brave, acrobat!" (C)


Um... a refill?

Astonishing "persistence", in seeking an answer to a fairly simple question. That's what I've seen in this thread.

It's funny to see definitely knowledgeable people categorically unwilling to hear each other!!! (laughed a long time) :)))

Based on the discussion about the indices and their role in the TS, I noticed one interesting point, gentlemen clearly signposted them into categories and sort of accepted the summary that mixing volumes with averages is impossible!

Or we can, but if one is an indicator from one industry and the other is from another one, the signals they give begin to contradict the approaches and rules of one TS. I conclude logically, the indicator as a system of searching for recurring patterns. It is conditionally dynamic, but the market is absolutely dynamic. (As far as I know, not a single indicator can signal these types of movements.

And my answer is ........... What is everyone looking for?

First, the entry point, and when they find it, the exit point! :)))
SProgrammer >>:

хм ... пруфлинк?

What, you don't believe me?

And we bankers are supposed to take our word for it.

Don't you read the forex news at all?


Goldman Sachs Group Inc. exited a bet the euro would climb against the dollar after the trade lost 2.8 percent amid concern the European Union is unable to agree on an aid plan for Greece, undermining the common currency.

"We have clearly underestimated the impact on the euro from the European sovereign crisis and perhaps also from the broader macro adjustment that it portends," five analysts including Thomas Stolper, a London-based economist at Goldman Sachs, wrote in an e-mail to Bloomberg today. "These political headwinds currently matter far more for the euro than the cyclical factors."


Goldman entered the trade "slightly less than two weeks ago," and stands to lose 2.8 percent after being "stopped out" yesterday, the analysts wrote. The U.S. bank had advised investors to place an automatic instruction to sell the euro should it close below $1.3500.



Where two times.

SProgrammer >>:

Где два раза.

For example, here it is:


You're a pain in the ass.

You can look it up from there, you unbelieving Thomas.

Neveteran писал(а) >>
Astonishing "persistence", in seeking an answer to a fairly simple question. That's what I've seen in this thread.

It's funny to see definitely knowledgeable people categorically unwilling to hear each other!!! (laughed a long time) :)))

Based on the discussion about the indices and their role in the TS, I noticed one interesting point, gentlemen clearly signposted them into categories and sort of accepted the summary that mixing volumes with averages is impossible!

Or we can, but if one is an indicator from one industry and the other is from another one, the signals they give begin to contradict the approaches and rules of one TS. I conclude logically, the indicator as a system of searching for recurring patterns. It is conditionally dynamic, but the market is absolutely dynamic. (As far as I know, not a single indicator can signal these types of movements.

And my answer is ........... What is everyone looking for?

First, the entry point, and when they find it, the exit point! :)))

Nevetan, you and your colleague would discuss things quietly in a corner together.

It's not a pruff link, it's a shiat. The same kind of knowledgeable comrade in all things.
AlexEro >>:



Да ты задрал ужЕ.

Дальше сам ищи.

Nah, Alex, wrong tactic. You should have waited until the moment he sued you for undermining Goldman's business reputation and then...


You're right about one thing, though: I'm sick of it. Prove it.

I'm gonna drop everything and start proving it. How else am I supposed to live? Sprogammer doesn't believe me. Oh, man. You could die. Of grief.

SProgrammer >>:

Это не пруф линк это шит. Такой-же осведомленный товаришь во всех делах.

Oh boy! So, it turns out we don't like Zerohedge! There you go!

You know who doesn't like him? Goldman Sachs employees!

(And CNBC too, here's a link about the high-profile showdown:


So that's where he came from, an arrogant Cossack who speaks little Russian but writes prog in English! (You got nervous and said "schit", only Russian americans do that). And I once asked you if you work for CQG (kind of potential MetaQuotes competitor).

Great! Keep it up. I'll read everything you write carefully and do the opposite.

What an honor! Listen, are you in the old building in New Jersey or the new one in Manhattan?