What is everyone looking for? - page 8

SProgrammer писал(а) >> The point is money, profit - it's either there or it's not. :)) How many of them are in this thread is not important yet - what is important to understand is that everyone is looking for profit. And for that, they are looking for indicators, the "perfect" ones. :)

Profit is not profit. Wanting to earn 100% a year and 100% an hour are radically different things.

LeoV писал(а) >>

Profit is not profit. Wanting to make 100% a year and 100% an hour are radically different things.

Well, that's just the way you see it. :))

SProgrammer писал(а) >> Well, that's just the way it looks to you. :))

No, it's what it looks like to you. >> it really is. >>)

LeoV писал(а) >>

No, it seems to you that it does to me. And in fact it is ))))

Well yes I think you do. :))) OK.... Arguing with me in the field of logic is useless.
SProgrammer писал(а) >> Well, yes, it seems to me that you do. :))) OK.... Arguing with me in the field of logic is useless.

Me, too. )))

LeoV писал(а) >>

Me too. )))

You're a man. And I'm a programmer. :))) Even though I'm a former one. :))
SProgrammer >>:

Нельзя видеть различие между не сопоставимими вещами - нельзя складывать коров и километры, нельзя сформулировать между ними разницу. :) Какая разница между коровой и километром? Это разные вещи. И индиктатор это часть ТС.
Oh, you love platitudes...! :) And you criticize others for the same crap.... ;)
SProgrammer писал(а) >> you're the man. And I'm a programmer. :))) >> even though I'm a former one. :))

Unfortunately, the professions of musician and programmer, have nothing to do with the profession of a trader. )))

MetaDriver писал(а) >>
Oh, you love platitudes! :) And you criticise others mercilessly for the same rubbish.... ;)

I'm only against "whatever you say just to talk". And that's exactly what Swinosaurs did. :))
LeoV писал(а) >>

Unfortunately, the professions of musician and programmer have nothing to do with the profession of a trader. )))

Forex is 98% maths and economics and economics is 100% maths. And programming is almost mathematics, because mathematics is programming in terms of mathematics. :)