Put in a good word about the occasional wanderer... - page 13


The general approach is to identify the distinctive characteristics of the FI and create their own FI with their own characteristics.

AI is primitive. And not because of the simplicity of the calculation and the idea, but because of the approach itself.

I, for example, have a system that is indicatorless in the full sense of the word - even if I wanted to create an indicator, it would not work. That is, the approach itself is outside the concept of an indicator.

Do your statistical research and pay less attention to all sorts of "authoritative" nonsense.

I see... I agree of course (about stats), but we're kind of talking about BP (of one pair)...

I've never looked at "authoritative bullshit"... I have my own head ... albeit primitive)))


Well, there are BPs on which the "MAs" work perfectly, and then there are other BPs. Being able to distinguish such characteristics of BPs is a lot to take in.

No one is forcing you to trade on EURUSD VR in particular. If you like MAs, choose the one that suits you best.


Well, there are BPs on which "MAs" work perfectly, and then there are other BPs. Being able to distinguish such characteristics of BPs is a lot to take in.

No one is forcing you to trade on EURUSD VR in particular. If you like MAHs, choose the one that suits you best.

based on pure Eurodol BP (without using anything else - which may in fact be a predictor at certain times) is clearer simply...

I'm interested in the following, without any variations ...

1.go for a pure VR - eurobucks for example.

2. apply no matter what, but with fixed sampling and fixed oversampling (if used) ... use this model with a sliding window ... write to a file ...

3.watch the result and compare it with primitive methods

I don't believe that the sophisticated methods will be better... that's it...

if anyone has a similar method...

file with 3 columns

Date;Close;and the resulting line


You have written such nonsense. Take BP straight away - random rambling. Nothing will work there at all.

It all depends a lot on the choice of BP. Somewhere "primitive" will work, somewhere "sophisticated".


You have written such nonsense. Take BP straight away - random rambling. Nothing will work there at all.

It all depends a lot on the choice of BP. Somewhere "primitive" will work, somewhere "contrived".

Here we go again with variations... OK... take any pair where advanced methods work...

...and upload it to a Tsv or a txt file...

then I'll look at the primitive... only the condition of not using other tools is saved... i.e. we take 1 BP...

So do and compare. I'm not a participant here, just passing through.
So do and compare. I'm not a participant here, just passing through.

))) clearly...

why do something that's not going to be better than simple methods...
and i'm not talking about anyone in particular...
and most importantly, I'm not asking where to make a profit or where it's easier...
my opinion...
just hope there are other conclusions about BP of the same tool,
backed up by results.
that's what's interesting.

and no, you don't...


You are initially writing nonsense, putting something in some files, etc.

First develop a methodology for comparing the two "primitive" and "sophisticated" approaches.

The methodology should be clear, without snot. And answer yourself the question of what your methodology will actually show. You will see that the childish notions of comparing "primitive" vs "contrived" are not solved by primitive or contrived.


You are initially writing nonsense, putting something in some files, etc.

First develop a methodology for comparing the two "primitive" and "sophisticated" approaches.

The methodology should be clear, without snot. And answer yourself the question of what your methodology will actually show. You will see that the childish notions of comparing "primitive" vs "contrived" are not solved by primitive or contrived.

one about Thomas ... the other about Yecherma )))
we could have this conversation till night)))

my opinion about workability not depending on applied algorithm has stated (let's reject concepts of primitive and contrivance - everyone can have their own)... the main thing - conclusion - dependence on sampling volume...


What is the end result? I have a profit. I can show a profit chart on one BP of one of my strategies (steadily up, a dozen trades a day). What's the point?

And my strategy is not "primitive", to classify it as "contrived" is to deceive yourself. But my strategy doesn't work at all on EURUSD and on many other GP's.

So what is the objective? If my trading robot has a primitive way of earning, that's good. If you are able to "smartly" earn money - fine.

But if I cannot earn by any method, it does not mean that these methods are equally shitty. It means something else entirely...