Put in a good word about the occasional wanderer... - page 11


Is that it?

don't confuse the 'pipe' of trajectories with the final distribution at any point in time by the catchers on the 'Galton board'.

Highly educated timbo confused...

Neither should you.



do not confuse the 'pipe' of trajectories with the final distribution at any point in time by the catchers on the 'Galton board'.

Dear Sir, I am not confusing anything. I am talking about the weakness of the practical application of this theoretical result. If you have something constructive to say, apart from your own nonsense, then say so.

My personal opinion has been expressed. You can agree with it, you can disagree with it. It is not an assertion requiring proof.

Practically working techniques are discussed on the sidelines, not at conferences, a la Risk&Return.


Dear Sir, I am not confusing anything. I am talking about the weakness of the practical application of this theoretical result. If you have something constructive to say, apart from your own nonsense, then say so.

My personal opinion. You may agree with it, you may not. It is not an assertion requiring proof.

Practically working methods are discussed behind the scenes, not at conferences reports, a la Risk&Return.

Then I don't understand your "unsubstantiated!", and therefore, not requiring proof, speculations...


Keep on admiring...

But do not enter a maze of ignorant conclusions of simpletons like me, (or maybe some other "neophytes" - who do not admire your "Recycle"), feeblemindedly trying to answer your question about the problem №1.

Read Shiryaev and Bulinsky on this topic.

I put it out there.

;) Like EURUSD... Causes and Consequences in one picture

It's a good fit. :)

On all browsers on top of other people's opinions and even banners...



I recommend it. Not the synopsis!



I recommend it.


Everyone who is tired of leading a miserable existence on Forex should learn it like the Lord's Prayer and apply it to their everyday trading life!


I recommend it. Not the synopsis!


All formulas, I don't understand a thing.
It is often argued on the forum in the heat of the discussion that the wandering price is completely random.
Let it not always be so. But randomness and not... difficult to supposedly distinguish.
The theorems of the arcsine and double logarithm are occasionally discussed or quoted directly, or just the conclusions.
It's kind of murky...
I have a question for theorists and practitioners.
Has anyone studied "straying after a collision"?
The task is as follows - there are two conditional characters "BAY" and "SEL".
Let some increment be generated for each of them.
Depending on the hero, let's call them "offensive increment" and "defensive force".
The starting position in the next iteration will be the result of these "offensive increments" and "defensive force".
If the increment for 'Bai' is positive, e.g. 15, and for 'Sel' -12 (negativity is panic force ;) the offset is 27,
in the case of B=15 and C=17, the offset is -32.
B=10, C=12 will give -2. If B=12 and C=10, the offset is +2.

What properties would this process have ?
And is there any point in digging ? ;)

Gentlemen, let's first stop on a choice of functions controlling actions of these characters, and then we will argue about their properties, because it turns out that the type of function is not defined yet, but about its properties a lot is said. I propose to stop for the time being on the form (18) from Universal regression model for market price prediction, if there are other opinions, please justify. There is a description of these two characters and their property here. Please take a look and let's speculate.

Yusufhoja, I suggest you promote your unique product in the appropriate thread (but, of course, subject to the wishes expressed by the moderators).

We are talking about something completely different here, don't you think?