Put in a good word about the occasional wanderer... - page 7

Random wandering is like a Markov chain, except I take the divergence axis to be a non-horizontal beam. But dynamically changing its angle (to the horizon, if you like).

Over time, the angle of the axis deviates significantly from the horizon, which is why at the start we have almost equidistant deviations, and subsequently ...

Additionally, there is cyclicality, a periodic resetting of the system, which actually recovers the start conditions.

A one dimensional discrete random walk is a Markov chain with integer states whose initial distribution is given by the probability function of the random variable X0 and the transition probability matrix is
avatara, would you care to post Duba here?
Mathemat >>:
avatara, тебе не в лом Дуба сюда выложить?

All in all? I don't know about ownership rights....

And on the subject, snippets are worth sharing.

So is your reasoning.

I think synergies are possible...


Is it a private message or an email? Or a link...
I promise not to use it for the direct purpose of profit (it won't work anyway).
let's try
spanned.zip  253 kb
spanned2.zip  1200 kb
spanned1.zip  1200 kb
change the zip to z0N
and the name without N
spanned3.zip  1200 kb
spanned4.zip  1200 kb
spanned5.zip  1200 kb