how to teach the TS to distinguish between FLET and TREND??? - page 2

Next topic of discussion: Do you have to be able to tell the difference between flend and tret to teach TC?
MetaDriver >>:
Тема следующей дискуссии: Обязательно ли нужно самому уметь отличать фленд от трета, чтоб взяться учить ТС ???

Uh-huh. And do you need a teacher's degree?

Any TS can be optimised separately for flat and separately for trend!!! But when combining these settings (flat and trend) it is necessary to average them, which does not affect the results of TS.....
Svinozavr >>:

Угу. И нужно ли педагогическое образование?

:) Yes. And do you need a pedagogical degree?

I don't even think a maths degree is necessary. Although it is desirable. Self-education is a last resort.

But you have to be able to program. And it is desirable to have common sense in good health.

basile >>:
любую ТС можно оптимизировать отдельно под флэт и отдельно под тренд!!! но при совмещении этих настроек(флэт и тренд) приходится усреднять их,что не хорошо сказывается на результатах ТС.....

That's where you have to think. So you don't have to average it out.

Richie писал(а) >>

Imagine there is no trend or flat at all.

Yeah, like gravity...

Helex >>:

Ага, как и гравитации...

basile >>:
любую ТС можно оптимизировать отдельно под флэт и отдельно под тренд!!! но при совмещении этих настроек(флэт и тренд) приходится усреднять их,что не хорошо сказывается на результатах ТС.....

You see, if you take the wave trend model (impulses/corrections), you can only say that the current trend is over when a new trend starts.

We may say that the trend slows down and enters the consolidation zone, but until it is interrupted by a new one, it remains the same. It makes sense, because why should it change, if there is no strong reason for it to be seen as a new trend? )))

Although... We may use some other model. Or just consider any consolidation zone to be the end of a trend. And if it goes further in the same direction - it is like a new one.))


And in reality (my reality, of course)) it's not this distinction, but the tactic of working in a particular context that matters. But that's a topic that makes me sick myself...

Helex писал(а) >>
Yeah, like gravity...


Svinozavr >>:
А в действительности (моей действительности, разумеется))) важно не это различение, а тактика работы в конкретном контексте. Но это уже тема, от ктр. меня самого тошнит...

Listen, I've been meaning to ask you. Why are you so sick of this topic?

It's just a topic. It's more normal than most of the others. I understand it's complicated. But it's got promise.

Come on, give me your big-voiced "ow!" in more detail. Maybe the nausea will go away.