Avalanche - page 317

sever29 >>:

При ставке на черное и выпадении красного, следующую ставку ставлю на красное.
What about Bernoulli? He'll be offended.
goldtrader писал(а) >>
What about Bernoulli? He'll be offended.

Bernoulli is color-blind. >> He won't be offended. )
lasso >>:

1) Доказать надо прежде всего самому себе.

2) Если Вы на Форексе исключительно ради денег - Денег это вам не принесет.


I don't need to write about it on a forum to prove something to myself.

What else can one do speculative trading for other than money? Is it for the love of art or science? Or to get clever on a forum? That's not my case. :)

tara писал(а) >>

hadn't thought of that :)
goldtrader писал(а) >>
What about Bernoulli? He will be offended.

Oh, man... Forgot all about him... but i don't think he knows about me either:)
rumata1984 писал(а) >>

I don't need to write about it on a forum to prove something to myself.

What else can one do speculative trading for other than money? Is it for the love of art or science? Or to get smart on the forum? That is not my case. :)

1) Not necessary, I agree, but your practice shows otherwise. ))

2) What do you think, if Grigory Perelman would prove the famous hypothesis only for the sake of $1 million, would it work out???


lasso >>:

Бернулли - дальтоник. Не обидится. )

I don't think he'll be offended, really. Because the "independence of testing" is highly questionable, which is what sever29 came to.

Back from roulette to forex:

1. I bet on the breakdown. Rebound.

2. Betting on a pullback. ...

lasso >>:

1) Не нужно, согласен, но Ваша практика показывает обратное. ))

2) Как Вы думаете, если бы Григорий Перельман доказывал бы известную гипотезу лишь ради 1 млн.$, у него бы что-нибудь получилось.???


1. Make allowances for my youth. Where at 50 you should be silent, I can't. That's what age is. :)

2. business (even a business like currency speculation) and fundamental science are not just different things, I would even say that they are mutually exclusive. I have done both, so I know what I'm talking about. And yes, I did theoretical physics for 1500 roubles a month.

rumata1984 писал(а) >>

1. Make allowances for my youth. Where at 50 you should be silent, I can't. That's what age is. :)

2. business (even a business like currency speculation) and fundamental science are not just different things, I would even say that they are mutually exclusive. I used to do both, so I know what I'm talking about. And yes, I did theoretical physics for 1500 rubles a month.


But let me ask you - what were you unhappy about?

You just write as a great sacrifice of basic science.


four and a half years behind me... my mind as well:)

Let me explain right away, I was testing with the "realities" in mind. In some situations, I treated it as a loss, cut profit in some places, reduced it on purpose sometimes (when it was a long queue of tekes) It's silly to cheat yourself ... I'm just showing you, not proving it to anyone. I've had a lot of help here... I`m not trying to prove anything, I`m just trying to win, so I`m offering to think about an alternative to Martin in avalanche: work with fixed lot, it`s possible. Tested "biased" like a fucking DC.