Avalanche - page 315

Tantrik писал(а) >>

Permanent lot is not a game (catch, avalanche) it's a work with waves, channels etc. manual work - (I can't do it...)

abstracting from everything else. Why should work on the breakthrough of the channel be followed by increase of the volume of poses? Why not work with a constant?
sever29 писал(а) >>

abstracting from everything else. Why should working on a channel breakout be accompanied by an increase in the volume of positions? Why not to work with a constant volume?

For example, I sit and test it with my hands, it is half of 2006, I see the trend. I have a channel and Katana has a channel, both of them are working on its breakdown, I also "last" work on its breakdown, take the take as he did, anyway. Only he is risking a deposit, I am risking a drawdown.

sever29 писал(а) >>

abstracting from everything else. Why should working on a channel breakout be followed by an increase in the volume of positions? Why not work with a constant?

You do not need it, according to your report, everything is great with a fixed lot! Work with the constant and forget about this thread.

Just don't forget about us........ ))

sever29 писал(а) >>

abstracting from everything else. Why should working on a channel breakout be accompanied by an increase in the volume of positions? Why not work constant?
I'm not saying that we should increase on the breakout... I'm saying the work is an understanding (which comes with years) of the difference between a trend and a correction and correction from speculation by players, etc. I don't have charts... made a table (so I don't have to think) for all cases. One small condition came out winnings depend directly on the depo. If you're willing to pay 15k - minimum, 150k - more or less (you'll be comfortable working), 1.5 million - you'll get only pleasure from the work! I am happy for you sincerely!
sever29 >>:

вот например щас сижку и ручками тестю, вот уже половина 2006г. видна тенденция. У меня канал и у Катаны канал, оба работаем на его пробой, я тоже "до последнего" работаю на его пробой, тейк беру как и он, по-любому. Только он рискует депозитом, я - просадкой.

Is this some kind of averaging?
lasso писал(а) >>

You don't need to, you're doing great, judging by the report with the permanent lot! Work as a regular and forget about this thread.

Just don't forget about us........ ))

I just want to let the rest of you know... I've tortured a company of programmers with this martin in and out... Then I decided to go without it, but I'm still trying to reach my goals anyway. And here it comes. I almost lost my mind, I was playing football thinking about it, I was in the sauna thinking about it... I'm almost through it all. A Martin in a catch is a loss for your money. Forget about it, look at the case differently.
zhuki писал(а) >>
Is this some sort of averaging?

Hi. No.
sever29 >>:

я просто до остальных хочу донести... роту программистов замучил с этим мартином и так и эдак... потом решил без него, но так же как и раньше цели достигать по-любому. И вот пучается. Ребята Вы сольетесь с ним, уш что я только не выдумывал, чуть с ума не сошел, играл в футбол думал о нем, парился в бане думал... ну почти все прошел, мартин в ловине- это потеря Ваших денег, забудте о нем, посмотрите на енто дело иначе.
So what's the idea, if it's not a secret?
zhuki писал(а) >>
So what is the idea, if not a secret?

The idea is to work on a channel break without increasing the lot on an unsuccessful entry.
rumata1984 писал(а) >>
The elephant handing out has ceased, sorry. The extravagant enthusiasm caused in this thread by the failure of our first councillors does not inspire us to hand out new ones to everyone. :)

Dimitri, don't get all "hurt" on me.

No one has ever seen elephants, and there weren't any.

And our elephants don't need your elephants.

Just keep on proving, and finally prove the truth of your position.

And if it happens, I am sure there will be a low bow from everyone. And from me, so three times and in public.

Good luck.