Avalanche - page 222

Once again, for the very gifted !!!
nobody is trying to prove anything.
The bots are to finally put a fat point on the question: "does it work or doesn't it work?".
That's all.
If you're curious, come and see, two demos that trade on the same principle, the only difference is in the closing of positions.
I don't know how long they live, maybe a day, maybe a couple of months.
I want to know !
that's all, and probably many others do too.
What's wrong with that?
voix_kas >>:
Я чесно говаря не думала об этом, наверное потому что МТ5 пока мне не интересен :)
Катана писал на эту тему выше, почитайте, там большие дибаты были :)
А просадка да, увеличится однозначно.
voix_kas писал(а) >>
And one more theoretical question.
As far as I understand, there will be no lockup in MT5. It means that we will not hold different positions simultaneously.
As far as I understood, there will be no locate in MT5.
At the next position opening in an avalanche, the previous order will have to be closed (or it will be closed automatically by the terminal).
The volume of the next position will be subtracted from the previous one.
The effectiveness of the arrow will not change if there is no lock option?
Bottom line!!!! - No. Especially if you choose "netting lots" correctly (the same CloseBy, not Close+Open).
The drawdown, as I understand it, will definitely increase?
And you asked that for nothing - there's about to be another outburst from theorists about "locked margin" being greater than "netting losses".
I haven't really checked, but ... Loki's "ah-ha", Katana's a crookfor agent, and Yeo's his handyman who gets paid to keep this thread in the top :)
baltik >>:

Вот в чем парадокс не понятно кто из нас не читал ветку полностью, иначе почему Вы не знаете ЭТОГО?

Читаем далее

Уже подтвердили - больше не надо подтверждать Иначе это уже не подтверждение Или Вы сами себе противоречите

Don't engage in flubbery and casuistry, do something useful. Personally, I am interested to hear about the results of testing avalanche-based EAs.

I think it is interesting for others who develop EAs based on this principle. If you are not interested, you will have nothing to do here.

SergNF >>:
а Ё - его подручный, который получает зряплату для поддержания данной ветки в топике :)

It looks like it :)))

khorosh >>:

Здравствуте, очень нам с Дмитрием любопытно, как вы таких результатов при тестировании добились ?
Это после оптимизации ?
Или вы что то еще в код оригинальное добавили ?
подскажите если не трудно....
можно в личку, если не хотите публично.


Specifically, an example of how this BSE advisor works.

We have 0.01 buy lot, 0.02 sell lot and 0.04 buy lot.

Now come here http://www.alpari.ru/ru/help/forex_cfd/ If you have a brain...use these examples to calculate. We calculate the volume of the locked position in lots 0.02 Sell, 0.02 Buy. , correspondingly the lot that has the price of a pip will be 0.03. And now look at the margin in the line pledge, it is 387.50.
And now go here http://www.alpari.ru/ru/calculator/ and calculate the margin for the 0.03 lot and what we see. The margin for 0.03 is 231.78 RUR.
Now compare that to your margin of 387.50.
What are the lavnoids not matching? Yes ... stupid, having a net lot of 0.03 for which there should be a margin of 231 rubles you half-witted paid a margin of 387 rubles!!!
Do you know why? Chew on the first link to the calculation of margin for locked positions. If you use your brain to understand the formula, you'll understand that Alpari does not have a full margin compensation for locked positions. In other words, for the lots that are locked and the price of a pip is 0, they charge you extra margin for lots that do not affect the deposit at all!
And this is a bullshit Expert Advisor that will eat up the margin for free you posted on the forum? Take that shit away and don't embarrass yourself!!!
E_mc2, could you test this strategy, but without locks?
As if you were trading on MT5.
In that case the question about the price of a pip would be removed on its own, or am I wrong?

And another question to the interested persons.
Has anyone tried to use MM based on Labouchere?
On a first guess it should decrease the geometric drawdown increase during a flat.
But I cannot judge in my mind how it may influence the profitability.

I can't assess the profitability in my mind.
voix_kas >>:
E_mc2, не могли бы Вы проверить данную стратегию, но без локов?
Как если бы торговали на МТ5.
В таком случае вопрос о цене пипса снимется сам собой или я ошибаюсь?

И еще вопрос к заинтересованным лицам.
Пробывал ли кто-нибудь использовать ММ по принципу Labouchere?
По первым прикидкам, она должна сократить геометрическое увеличение просадки во флете.
Но как это отразиться на прибыльности, в уме оценить не могу.


On MT5 it will be exactly the same only the margin will be much smaller. Consequently, there will be more free funds to open a new position. That is, on MT5 without locks, the Landslide will be more stable. If we use MT4 with locks, after a couple of reversals, the margin will be growing monstrously, and entirely for nothing. They will take a margin for the locked positions with price of a pip 0. In MT5 there will be no such a "bogey" with lots in the castle, so the price of a pip will be the same, but the margin will be much lower. You will be able to handle more of the first rolls. On MT4 you will be out of the money for a long time.

I tried this method. As always, a lot depends on the TS. This principle requires that with equal stops and profits at least 40% of profitable trades should be closed. Theoretically, 34% of profitable trades with equal stops and takes is enough to make something. Consequently, profitability will directly depend on the Trading strategy, to which this MM is applied. It is desirable that takes were more than stops with % of profitable trades about 40%. Profitability will be reflected positively only if the TS will have a good % of profitable trades. I recommend it when coming out in profit. Series Laboucher immediately cut off. That is, do not continue crossing out and opening on large lots, and as soon as reached the profit, the series zero in and start with the minimum lot. This is much more reliable. There is no point in continuing the series by taking a risk if you have already taken a profit.
E_mc2 писал(а) >>

deals. I recommend when going into profit. It is recommended to stop the series of Lubucher at once. That is, do not continue crossing out and opening on large lots, and as soon as you went to profit, the series zero out and start with the minimum lot. This is much more reliable. There is no point in continuing the series by taking risks if we have already taken a profit.

Yes, we should quit such deals after two or three flips at the first opportunity.
In general, such flips are dabbling.