Avalanche - page 158


Yes, Iron John, hold on... Friday ends... You said something about a buy stop and a sell stop, put them out a few minutes before Friday dies, so they don't get caught... I'm on standby, maneuvering... if it doesn't, what's next?
P.S. I won't be able to turn around for long.... Don't forget... write... John?

Tantrik >>:
- а вы обращали внимание цена идёт, идёт и начинает откатываться когда и зачем она это делает?

The right question is not "when?" but "where?" - the time is not as important as the price at which the chart will make a reversal. This question is easily solved by my Rabbit indicator. The price is attracted to its levels, like a magnet. And it bounces back to them.

"Why?" as theorists, scientists and economists, who have written many scientific works on Forex and have devoted decades of their lives to it, will explain - "there is a correction caused by the resistance of opposing capital, big players enter large amounts, the news came out", etc. In reality, the consortium of banks of the world see where, in what places, what direction and volume orders are placed and move the price (indeed injecting their huge capital) in such a way as to take the most money for themselves. The purpose of kickbacks is to "scare" the trader (he/she thinks that the price has changed its trend, hurriedly closes profitable orders, and then bites his/her elbows when he/she sees that the price has corrected and continues to rise), to deceive the "indifferent" trader (when he/she sees that the price has changed its direction and volume, he/she And to keep the price in a certain corridor (the tactics of "squeezing the spring" with a rough flat for one or two days with the further "shooting" of the price in one direction practically without any rollbacks), etc. д.

Besides maximum and minimum for the day, the price has one more important indicator, which, as far as I know, no other indicator takes into account. This is the path that price takes in a day. Not from the maximum to the minimum, but in a whole day. This is the "range" of the price. If it is 120 pips, price may move 100 pips in one direction and then roll back 20 pips in the evening. Or it may move in the range of 40 points all day long, moving back and forth 3 times. But the movement margin does not change. Thus, if you see, for instance, a pair of reversals with the length of 80 pips, you know that the price has "gasoline" about 40 pips - and it will stop moving till the next day. There are also unexpected injections of "nitrous oxide", when the price passes 200 pips in a day, but these are the exception.

JonKatana писал(а) >>

That's why you need to enter the initial wager from an external account - otherwise, if you fail, it will take the whole amount away all at once.

What is an external account? There are in roubles, there are in dollars, there are in other cities (you put it further away, you take it closer). There is no overseas account (yes, now there is one in Cyprus... )

JonKatana писал(а) >>

In addition to the highs and lows of the day, price has another important indicator which, as far as I know, no indicator takes into account. It is the path that price takes in a day. Not from the high to the low, but in just one day. This is the "range" of the price. If it is 120 pips, the price may move 100 pips in one direction and then roll back 20 pips in the evening. Or it may move in the range of 40 points all day long, moving back and forth 3 times. But the movement margin does not change. Thus, if you see, for instance, a pair of reversals with the length of 80 pips, you know that the price has "gasoline" about 40 pips - and it will stop moving till the next day. There are some unexpected "nitrous oxide" injections, when the price makes 200 pips during the day, but those are exceptions.

This is my favourite subject... looked through all the eyes.... if there's one to watch, it's tuesday, wednesday... fiftieth and fiftieth, almost no fish.


The volume of the topic is already 1 MB.

dr_Dim >>: Тем не менее, Вы ведь не будете отрицать, что именно с подачи JonKatana некоторые думающие форумяне смогли создать своих вполне робастных советников.

Generally speaking, the robustness of even khorosh's EA is questionable: there are large drawdowns. Yes, the balance curve is good, no doubt. But this is not all.

Secondly, what the author of this thread has proposed is not something new, it has been known for a long time. Novelty and charm of the branch - in his feathers. And the thinking ones, they always succeed simply because they think and find something new in what no one else sees.

The reason of popularity of this branch is in unquestionable PR talent of the author. I mean, he writes beautifully, you can't deny it.

JonKatana >>:

Правильный вопрос не "когда?" а "где?" - время не так важно, как цена, на которой график совершит разворот. Этот вопрос легко решает мой индикатор Rabbit. К его уровням цена притягиватся и прилипает, как к магниту. От них же она отталкивается при откате.

"Зачем?" Как объяснят теоретики, ученые и экономисты, написавшие много научных трудов по Форексу и посвятившие ему десятки лет жизни - "происходит коррекция, вызванная сопротивлением противоположно направленных капиталов, крупные игроки вводят большие суммы, вышли новости" и т. д. В реальности консорциум банков мира видит где, в каких местах, какого направления и объема выставлены ордера и двигает цену (действительно вливая свои огромные капиталы) таким образом, чтобы забрать максимум денег СЕБЕ. Откаты делаются для сбивания тралов, "пугания" слабонервных трейдеров (подумав, что цена сменила тренд, он спешно закрывает прибыльные ордера, а затем кусает локти, видя, как цена после корректировки летит дальше в прибыль), обмана "невозмутимых" трейдеров (увидев откат, они не фиксируют прибыль, а, ухмыльнувшись, ждут продолжения тренда - а продолжения-то и нет), а также для удержания цены в определенном коридоре (тактика "сжимания пружины" жестоким флетом в течение одного-двух дней с последующим "выстреливанием" цены в одном направлении практически без откатов) и т. д.

У цены, помимо максимума и минимума за день, есть еще один важный показатель, который не учитывает, насколько мне известно, ни один индикатор. Это путь, который проходит цена за день. Не от максимума к минимуму, а всего за день. Это "запас хода" цены. Если он равен, например, 120 пунктов, то цена может пройти 100 пунктов в одном направлении и откатить на 20 пунктов вечером. Или проболтаться весь день в коридоре 40 пунктов, сходив туда - сюда 3 раза. Но запас хода от этого не меняется. Поэтому увидев, например, пару разворотов общей "длиной" в 80 пунктов вы знаете, что у цены "осталось бензина" пунктов на 40 - и она прекратит движение до следующего дня. Бывают и неожиданные впрыски "закиси азота", когда цена за день проходит и 200 пунктов, но это - исключение.

This is a follower of the teachings of the notorious MasterForex...it's all like in his tabloids, a consortium of banks and other conspiracy ideas. It seems that the writings of this Masterforex made an indelible impression on John Catala))))
JonKatana писал(а) >>

The right question is not "when?" but "where?" - the time is not as important as the price at which the chart will make a reversal. This question is easily solved by my Rabbit indicator. The price is attracted to its levels, like a magnet. And it bounces back to them.

"Why?" as theorists, scientists and economists, who have written many scientific works on Forex and have devoted decades of their lives to it, will explain - "there is a correction caused by the resistance of opposing capital, big players enter large amounts, news came out", etc. In reality, the consortium of banks of the world see where, in what places, what direction and volume orders are placed and move the price (indeed injecting their huge capital) in such a way as to take the most money for themselves. The purpose of kickbacks is to "scare" the trader (he/she thinks that the price has changed its trend, hurriedly closes profitable orders, and then bites his/her elbows when he/she sees that the price has corrected and continues to rise), to deceive the "indifferent" trader (when he/she sees that the price has changed its direction and volume, he/she And to keep the price in a certain corridor (the tactics of "squeezing the spring" with a rough flat for one or two days with the further "shooting" of the price in one direction practically without any rollbacks), etc. д.

Besides maximum and minimum for the day, the price has one more important indicator, which, as far as I know, no other indicator takes into account. This is the path that price takes in a day. Not from the maximum to the minimum, but in a whole day. This is the "range" of the price. If it is 120 pips, price may move 100 pips in one direction and then roll back 20 pips in the evening. Or it may move in the range of 40 points all day long, moving back and forth 3 times. But the movement margin does not change. Thus, if you see, for instance, a pair of reversals with the length of 80 pips, you know that the price has "gasoline" about 40 pips - and it will stop moving till the next day. There are some unexpected "nitrous oxide" injections, when the price makes 200 pips during the day, but those are exceptions.

I agree with your previous statements that no indicator will accurately predict the further price movement! They don't know why they don't want them to do it... They don't even know why they do it...) You're right, the price doesn't just follow it... If only players moved it, it would zigzag... Why do big players need your stops? They don't know which way the price will go up or down, but to the right - one hundred percent! The margin is right - people have to earn... the distance is unknown. I have already written the system will not work for a trivial reason!

the Avalanche branch of the forum in the forum.

E_mc2 писал(а) >>

This is a follower of the teachings of the unbeknownst Masterforex...it's just like in his tabloids, a consortium of banks and other conspiracy ideas. It seems that the writings of this Masterforex made an indelible impression on John Catala))))

Don't you think Masterforex understood something about price movements just couldn't express a consortium.