Avalanche - page 347

lasso >>:

khorosh 28.05.2010 00:33
rumata1984 писал(а) >>
И ты иди в жопу, дегенерат :) Кого еще послать? :)
С этой ветки уже пора уходить, общаться можно через личку.




Ну, в принципе, если бы меня мой коллега так послал.... Я бы наверное ушел..... В личку.... )))

Тем более, если Вы приняли решение!!!


Что на этот раз Вам мешает осуществить запланированное???

Неужели опять некоторые вредные личности на форуме???


Например, Тantrik. См. ниже

Didn't you understand that rumata was referring to sever29? If you also "attentively" read the information about the avalanche algorithm, then I understand why you still do not understand how it works, even though everyone already understands everything. And as for saying that you can communicate in person, I meant the exchange of experiences in creating EAs. And to give a response to attacks of floodraders in this thread is a sacred thing :-))). I was not going to give that up.
PapaYozh >>:

Свои результаты я, как правило, демонстрирую тем людям, с которыми сотрудничаю.

Для Вас и Ваших соратников у меня только такие результаты: https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/124482/page333#326234

So what are the results - 10 deals. At a time when I was showing thousands of deals. What statistical validity are we talking about?
khorosh писал(а) >>
Haven't you understood that rumata was addressed to sever29? If you also "attentively" read the information concerning the avalanche algorithm, I understand why you still do not understand how it works, even though everyone already understands everything. And as for saying that you can communicate in person, I meant the exchange of experiences in creating EAs. And to give a response to attacks of floodraders in this thread is a sacred thing :-))). I was not going to give that up.

My coordination in time and space is excellent.

But I didn't force you to respond by quoting Dimitri's remark, did I? Did I?

And that's how it happened. I feel as if he sent you a message and you responded to him. ))

Again you lose, because I pointed it out. Hence - I am more considerate. As Katana says, I return YOUR words to you.

As usual, you just blurted it out.

But you can easily delete the post. )))

You don't have to get used to it........

lasso >>:

А так получилось, будто он Вас послал, а Вы ответили ему. ))

This only works for people who do not read the posts in a row, but one or more at a time.
khorosh писал(а) >>
Have you failed to understand that rumata's words were addressed to sever29? If you also "attentively" read the information concerning the avalanche algorithm, it is understandable why you still do not understand how it works, even though everyone already understands everything. And as for saying that you can communicate in person, I meant the exchange of experiences in creating EAs. And to give a response to attacks of floodraders in this thread is a sacred thing :-))). I wasn't going to give that up.

Backdating again???

You clearly wrote to an associate: " It's time to get off this thread, we can communicate in private."

I, for one, understood it to mean. ----- It's like get out of here, we've been declassified, there's no profit to be had here.

I'm not a telepath, and I think other highly complexed readers of this thread, - too.

lasso >>:

Снова подмены задним числом???

Вы же четко написали соратнику: " С этой ветки уже пора уходить, общаться можно через личку. "

Я, например, понял эту фразу так. ----- Типа валим отсюда, нас рассекретили, профита здесь уже не будет.

Я не телепат, и думаю остальные, сильно закомплексованные читатели этой ветки, - тоже.

What kind of profits can be talked about in a forum. What a ridiculous fantasy. What I meant was that there is no point in posting EA results here any more, as there are too many floodbusters here who take any information with a vengeance.
khorosh писал(а) >>
It only works that way for those who don't read the posts in a row, but one or more at a time.

>> OK.

You read the posts consistently.

So why aren't you answering "inconvenient " questions for you?

You think the thread is fat.... Forget the questions....

No. I don't delete my own posts. And I'm quick to find them. If necessary. ))

lasso >>:


Вы читаете посты последовательно.

Так почему не отвечаете на "неудобные" для Вас вопросы??

Думаете ветка жирная.... Забудутся вопросики....

Нет. Я свои посты не удаляю. И быстро нахожу. По необходимости. ))

Because I'm not going to reveal my EA's algorithm to you in full and I'm not going to develop variants of it specifically for you to experiment on your program.
khorosh писал(а) >>
What kind of forum profit can we be talking about. What a ridiculous fantasy. I meant there is no point in posting EA results here any more, as there are too many flooders gathered here who take any information with a vengeance.

I feel the word is catching on. )

Particularly in its application.

OK. Let's open up the discussion.


Give at least five arguments to prove that you yourself are not one of them!

Or again the question is uncomfortable???? ))))

khorosh >>:
Ну и что это за результаты - 10 сделок. В то время как я показывал тысячи сделок. О какой статистической достоверности может идти речь?
In real life?