Avalanche - page 313

sever29 >>:

Позвольте представить выход из корридора постоянным лотом уже сг. Самому с трудом верится, неужто нашел то, что искал годы... Вот к чему можно думать прикручивать мартина. Т.е. канал первичен.

You too? Why don't you start monitoring, too?

Losing our best.

What a contagious branch...

lasso >>:

Уважаемая ГО лина! Ско жите откуда то кая уверенность? Что слив исключен полностью?


Да и название ветки вроде через "а" пишется..... Джон же культурный человек.

Да-а-а-... Женщины - это загадки....

Captain Hindsight? :) Thank you, Cap, for your little Russian language lesson. The fact is that cultured people know when and on what occasion it is better to remain silent. That was the case. Or do you think that no one knows how to spell the word "avalanche" except you?
Oper писал(а) >>

We are already confused ourselves. >> Now many brokerage companies have completely abandoned swaps on micro-accounts.

On a...ry, too, by the way. But only in micro accounts.

And spreads are not unimportant here.

Below 2 points, or no higher than 2.5.

All pairs are good.

In addition, play with settings, or rather carefully read what settings are needed.

And I still doubt that Dmitriy gave you the right owl...

Maybe he just mixed up.... >>because we have so many of them, we're getting confused.

rumata1984 писал(а) >>
Captain Hindsight? :) Thank you, cap, for your little Russian language lesson. The fact is that cultured people know when and on what occasion it is better to remain silent. That was the case. Or do you think that no one knows how to spell the word "avalanche" except you?

I've been patient for a long time, I have to hand it to you...
Galina >>:

Send me the current Avalanche, please.

The one without swaps, or with swaps, it doesn't matter.

The main thing is that it is fresh, with recommendations on setting it up.

Oper писал(а) >>

You too? Why don't you start monitoring too?

Losing our best.

It's contagious, isn't it?

where?:) who do I show pictures to? My wife, my kids?:) Seriously, I found something when I was looking for an avalanche corridor:) I'll give Katana credit for turning me on, I've had more ideas in a few months than I've had in a year.

A moment of weakness, so to speak, demo euphoria:)

And the branch.... The negativity has long since passed, we're all "virtual" here and we all have our own cockroaches in our heads... I even have a more even attitude to its inhabitants, I can even look at Katana:)

rumata1984 писал(а) >>
Captain Hindsight? :) Thank you, cap, for your little Russian language lesson. The fact is that cultured people know when and on what occasion it is better to remain silent. That was the case. Or do you think that no one knows how to spell the word "avalanche" except you?

You're getting a little smoky... at least make a snowman, Lasso.
Oper >>:

Скиньте мне актуальную Лавину,плиз.

Которая без свопов,ну или со свопами,неважно.

Главное,свежую,с рекомендациями по настройке.

The elephant distribution has stopped, sorry. The extravagant enthusiasm generated in this thread by the failure of our first councillors does not inspire us to hand out new ones to everyone. :)
Oper писал(а) >>

Send me the current Avalanche, please.

Nothing people are afraid of....

From the radio intercept... Like, "Calling fire on myself.... "


Sorry, I just can't help myself, I'm so incontinent.... ))))

Indeed, the branch is very contagious... ))

I'm done. I'll shut up... ))))

sever29 писал(а) >>

A moment of weakness so to speak, demo euphoria:)

"permanent lot already with" - this will pass...in time. there is nothing permanent and will never be.