Avalanche - page 310

SergNF писал(а) >>
It's not the warrant, it's the whole chain.

What am I talking about? I'm talking about the chain.
khorosh писал(а) >>
I disagree with neither the first nor the second. For the second time I notice that negative experiences give some comrades the confidence that it cannot be done. But where is the guarantee that this is the case, maybe you just don't know how to cook it?

You, absolutely right - there should be no dogma.

But in order to verify the claims of some comrades against others, an independent test is needed.

The strategy is formalised, then modelled and a "run on large volumes" shows what the strategy is worth.

But nobody wants to do that.

Everybody feels more comfortable in their own shells......... ))


"Dreams, dreams - what sweetness!

Dreams are gone - there's a nasty thing left -...." (C) Popular )))

sever29 >>:
Послушайте, у Вас уровень б/у находится на рстоянии равным ширине канала, т.е. убыток от убыточных поз объемом в 0.01 и 0.03 равен прибыли от прибыльных поз 0.02 и 0.06, поэтому чтобы при перекрытии на уровне б/у у Вас остался паритет Вам надо закрыть все кроме прибыльной позы в 0.01. Т.е. у Вас останется поза в 0.01, а не 0.04. Даже не спорте.
The "Close Overlapped Orders" only takes into account the volume of the open orders, regardless of their position. After you close it, as I told you, your balance will show a loss of 0.04 x 2 = 0.08 and a profit of 0.04. That leaves a minus of 0.04 - 0.08 = - 0.04 and a plus residual order of 0.04 with a profit of one corridor width, i.e. +0.04. That is, you are at the zero point - the balance has a loss of 0.04 and there is exactly the same profit with the same volume of 0.04. If the price continues to move in the profitable direction, you will collect the money four times faster than you did at the initial volume.
sever29 писал(а) >>

I'm talking about a chain.

The boo chain level will be outside the "channel" and not "at a distance equal to the channel width" (everything will depend on the lot multiplier).

As soon as the chain shows BU (at least take the kim function for open positions), then close all the "wrong positions", and trawl the right ones as you like.

I mean EA, not "close overlapped orders"

JonKatana писал(а) >>
The "Close Overlapped Orders" only takes into account the volume of the open orders, regardless of their position. After you close it, as I told you, your balance will show a loss of 0.04 x 2 = 0.08, profit 0.04 and a minus of 0.04 - 0.08 = - 0.04. This leaves a plus residual order of 0.04 with a profit of one corridor width, i.e. +0.04. That is, you are at the zero point - the balance has a loss of 0.04 and there is exactly the same profit with the same volume of 0.04. If the price continues to move in the profitable direction, you will collect the money four times faster than you did at the initial volume.

Don't reinvent the wheel, your assumption that price will go in the right direction is groundless. You may as well get a hit, if the price moves in the opposite direction.
lasso писал(а) >>

Everyone's more comfortable in their own shells......... ))

The key word is "everyone". :)

Sorry I couldn't resist responding to one of your, as always, most informative posts. :)

I promise to make amends. ;)

SergNF писал(а) >>

Level of boo chain will be outside the "channel" and not "ata distance equal to the width of the channel" (everything will depend on the lot multiplier).

As soon as the chain shows BU (at least take the kim function for open positions), then close all the "wrong positions", and trawl the right ones as you like.

I mean EA, not "close overlapped orders".

about "out and about" and what could he not be in "out"? The quotation has been given above, everyone probably knows it by heart by now:)
sever29 писал(а) >>

Don't reinvent the wheel, your assumption that price will go in the right direction is groundless. You may as well assume that if the price moves in the opposite direction you will get a blow that will make you sick.

That's a "new beginning" for sure (literally). I thought you were starting to think :)
SergNF писал(а) >>

Now that's a definite "piss, start all over again". I thought you were starting to think :)

I'm surprised myself :) started, started. It's just a very subtle thing to say. It's not the manipulation of lots that needs to be played, but the "search" for a channel.
sever29 писал(а) >>

I'm surprised myself:) started, started. It's just that these are very subtle points to make such a statement. One should not manipulate lots, but "search" for a channel.

Theorem1 :)

A horizontal channel can be drawn through any point on the price chart.

Theorem2 :)

An infinite number of horizontal channels can be drawn through any point on the price chart.

You opened a position and set "your favorite size" - SL? You already have a horizontal channel. And so on and so forth.

Abstract, fantasise :)

Regarding the BU: "Your assumption that the price will go in the right direction is groundless" - it means that you have one more iteration, one more Avalanche knee and of course, we are not talking about a chain closure.