Avalanche - page 183

JonKatana писал(а) >>
In MT4, you cannot close orders before reaching the booobyoby level - this is the basic principle of Avalanche and it is described in the problem. You lost.
And now, as always, it's your own words to you:

Katana, give it up with this avalanche! You see, not many people are interested. Better start a page - "psychologist's corner" to help people, see how nervous everyone is...
JonKatana >>:
В MT4 закрывать ордера до достижения уровня бузубытка нельзя - это основной принцип "Лавины" и это описано в задаче. Вы проиграли.
А теперь, как всегда - вам ваши же слова:

What an idiot!)))
You're not allowed, so don't close. And let the snot and the drool that you didn't have enough margin. I'll close. I'll quietly open the next order. I'll keep on trading. And you're gonna sit there wiping the snot out about not having enough margin.

You don't have any profit/loss level comparing it with MT5. This level you've invented yourself based on your own delusional calculations.

And besides, you're lying again. I met the condition. You said open, I open. Condition fulfilled. Your break-even level is just your stupid nonsense about not knowing how to calculate. It's not even necessary. Moreover, in your example, it would lead to an accelerated drain on the depo.

Next... you're deliberately making the system worse. You're artificially creating a situation that will lead to higher margins. So you're trying to get people to flip. You say that you can't close an order in Avalanche until it reaches the break-even level... so I'm telling you, there is no such level there mathematically it's the same as in MT5. But you take examples from brokerage companies that do not fully compensate the margin... and you say that you can't close orders until they break-even. In other words, you create a situation where people won't be able to open and will withdraw? You are a bastard in this case. You may easily close the order and return the deposit and quietly open an order and trade further. Why do you create a situation that will lead to a loss? You can easily avoid this! You may also think that this breakeven level does not make any mathematical sense. You may use MT4 to open lots and MT5 to fix stops, the result on the deposit is the same. So the condition of the avalanche is not to close before reaching the breakeven level, increasing lots in DC that does not fully compensate the margin will lead to artificial margin increase and the inability to open orders, and the loss of the deposit.

In general, if you think about it, what a moron Katla is, not knowing basic maths, he created a landslide on the principle of not closing orders to breakeven, on the principle that will lead to accelerated withdrawal of the deposit, if the BC does not compensate for the margin. That is it will artificially increase margin. Although this can easily be avoided with MT4. And this nonsense, he cleverly bet almost 200 pages already ... Yeah ...
He's a hired gun.
I'm posting a new version of the EA on the subject under discussion. Description of settings in the code itself. If you have any questions about the EA, please ask me or Galina.
lavignefv.5.rar  44 kb
What a tough idiot you are...
Listen to me, you dumb-headed oaf.
On point 1. In MT4 you place an order just like in MT5 for 3 lots. And in exactly the same way in 20 pips you go to breakeven. In MT4 order 1 = 1 lot, order 2 is set in the same way as in MT5, you put 3 lots. When you activate the second order, the first order will hit the lot with a loss of 40 x 10.0 = 400. You will have 1 first order, and 3 lots on the second order will trigger. In 20 pips. On the first order, you will incur a loss of 60*1lots=600. On the second order with the volume of 3 lots, you will have a profit 20*3 = 600. And you in the same way on MT4, as well as on MT5, after 20 pips you go to breakeven. Where on MT5 would you get to Breakeven twice faster, you moron? You can use MT4, i.e. with a lock, you'll get to the breakeven point in the same way you would on a netting in MT5. All depends on the volume of orders, not the lack of lots. You cannot do even basic maths in the first grade with your dumb head.

As for point 2. In MT4 you also place the second order for 2 lots. When you activate it, you will have a lock. You will have 1 lot hanging and the second order of 2 lots will trigger. After 40 pips on the first order, the loss will be 80*1 lot = 800 on the second order will be a profit of 40*2 lots = 800. In the same way, with exactly the same volumes you reach the breakeven, both on MT4 with the lot and on netting MT5 without lots. Where is the decrease in the growth rate of volumes, and what extra step? If you do not understand that getting into the lot in MT4, the loss on the first order does not stand still, it also grows. When 2 orders triggered the loss was 40*1 = 400. If you want to breakeven on MT4, after 20 pips, then place a 2nd order of 3 lots and after 20 pips you are at MT4, just as breakeven on MT5, placing an order of the same 3 lots. If you want to breakeven on MT4, after 40 pips, you put 2 order of 2 lots and go out after 40 pips to 0. In the same way as on MT5 with netting. No difference at all.

You should not trade on mt5 and you don't need to trade on mt4 either.
You should think with what lot you are opening if you want to jump quick, but you won't succeed in an avalanche.
You may use an avalanche to slowly but surely make a profit.
mig34 >>:

лавина для того чтобы медленно но уверенно получать прибыль

What does "avalanche" have to do with it? Any position opened in a few days can make a profit or a loss of several times the amount of the initial margin. But I do not understand, if everything is so cloudless, why have not you screwed your own wisdom to the real? Or you do not have enough guts to make a profit after 9 plums? I'm sorry, what reason would you have for those who read your lies and believe them - to steadily lose money? You'd better tell the truth about the kitchen where you and John come from and what you're broadcasting here. )))

But the gap did happen :) as I predicted on Friday... The pound opened with a gap of 100 pips down... Who wanted to trade on Monday's gap? Paradise has arrived... you could have made a hundred at once... with some crosses the gap was even bigger, up to 200 :)
And generally speaking - relating to the topic... It would be good to see the stats of the topic-starter and other fans of this "martin-like" masterpiece. Not theoretical calculations and delusions from a parallel reality...
The real-time draws every Friday for example would be more convincing than the most delusional calculations... Here it is, guys - eat up... Monday was 10,000 - Friday closed at 20,000 - withdrew 10,000...
That's an argument you can't argue with.
And all the rest is just air talk, unsubstantiated...
lexandros >>:
Хорошо бы было увидеть стейты топикстартера и других фанатов этого "мартиноподобного" шедевра.

lexandros, the topicstarter's stats... you're having a laugh, for God's sake! So far they, and other evidence, have not been - and will not be - at all. That's not the purpose of this thread at all, it's to give the demos a clean, high idea :) And at the same time to propagate themselves, of course.

And the results of several followers have already been, you know: if you look only at the picture - quite good, but if you pay attention to drawdowns - not so good.