Avalanche - page 176

lexandros >>:

:) Ну считайте это моим подарком:) Вообще не в моих правилах вставть в рынок в пятницу после обеда... Так уже получилось. Затупил... В пятницу после обеда работать вообще нельзя... практически непредсказуемый рынок... А Вильямс - извините это чушь полная. В оригинале не читал... Но не сторонник сей теории.
Это личное мнение каждого... Лично мне вильямс кажется невкусным:)

And I haven't read the original...It may be rubbish, everyone draws their own conclusions. Regarding Friday from his nonsense:

-- A day that opened at the high of the day, then went down and traded at its low is most likely to close at the low of the day.
--A day that moved more than average (volatility) is most likely to close at the low of the day if it moved in that direction.
-- Don't catch falling daggers...wait for them to stick to the floor.
JonKatana писал(а) >>

1) A brokerage house with collateral compensation will charge a collateral for opposite orders of the same volume, as if you had placed one order of the same volume. The word "compensation" means that for a second open order of the same volume, but in the opposite direction, you will not be charged an additional deposit. You will not get a refund for the first open order of the same size.

Have you even looked at what I have posted just for you? There is evidence there that you are wrong. I understand, you have never tried to do practically what you write about with such confidence. But, do me the favour of looking at what I posted and telling me what you think of it.

E_mc2 >>:
Ты ..пипипи Ты случайно не пипипи. Или ты просто пипипи???

Ты своими тупыми мозгами можешь понять что залог за 2 разнонаправленые ордера не берёца. За 2 ордера залог 0. Ордера всего 4. За 2 берут залог, за разнонаправленые 2 ордера залог не берёца. Уже есть залог за 1 лот, за 2 лота залог не возьмут. То есть при отрытии позы на 3 лота дополнительно возьмёца залог за 1 лот. Два другие взаимно перекрываюца за них залог 0. Общий залог будет 15658. Дополнительный залог при открытии нужен 7829.Ордер на 3 лота открываеца в лёгкую. Все дибил иди проверяй на демке. Тебе даже советник выше сделали что б ты тупарь в тестере проверил. Ты теоретик ни разу не торговавший вообще. Иначе ты бы не нёс такой откровеный бред. Скажи зачем ты ни разу не торговавший даже на демке пытаеся тут с себя мего трейдера корчить и ещё что то доказывать?? Ты даже элементарных вещей не понимаешь. ВОзьми просто на демке и открой две позы по 1 лоту каждая и ты идиот хоть увидишь наконец то что залог не возьмут вообще. За 2 лота залог будет 0. Если у нас в общем 4 лота, то 2 лота перекроюца и залог будет всего за 2 лота, то есть 15658. Всё тупарь - теоретик вали проверять на демку. Иначе ты лжошь.

1) In DCs with compensation for deposits for opposite orders of the same volume, they take a deposit of the same size as if you had placed one order of the same volume. The word "compensation" means that you will not be charged extra for a second open order of the same size, but in the opposite direction. The deposit for the first open order of the same volume is not refunded. A brokerage company without compensation will charge you two deposits for the same orders, while a brokerage company with partial compensation will charge you one and a half or something similar.

2) What do you mean by "warrants only 4"? There are two (two) warrants. Where did you get two extra orders from? Hence your strange phrase: "If you open a position for 3 lots, you get an extra margin for 1 lot. The other two mutually overlap for them the deposit 0. So you have already opened a third order - where did you find it?

3) Just imagine the picture you have drawn - you open two orders with a volume in opposite directions, for example 100 lots, and the deposit (for EURUSD) in the amount of 783,000 rubles is not taken from me! Not at all! That's what you promised, isn't it? And I only have a deposit of 30 000 - just enough to cover two spreads. And with this amount I opened two orders, one for 100 lots each - beauty! I waited for the price reversal - closed the profitable order first, the price dropped back a bit - closed the losing one. For example, I have taken only 20 points of pullback - I am not greedy. 1 point with 100 lots equals 29 000 roubles. That is, I have received 29.000 x 20 = 580.000 roubles from the initial amount of 30.000 roubles using one 20-point deal! That is, in one hour I have increased my capital by 580 000 / 30 000 = 19 times! Can you imagine the market in such a way?

Honestly, I didn't understand the first sentence, but nevertheless you - your words:

E_mc2 >>:
You ...peepee You're not a peepee by any chance.Or are you just pee-pee-pee-pee-pee-pee?

You with your dumb brain can understand that the bail is not taken for 2 differently directed orders. There's zero bail on two warrants. There's only four warrants. Two takes a deposit, 2 differently directed orders don't take a deposit. There is already a pledge for 1 lot, 2 lots will not take a pledge. This means that if you open a position for 3 lots, the deposit for 1 lot will be taken additionally. The other two mutually overlapping for them a pledge of 0. Total deposit will be 15658. Additional margin for opening need 7829.Order for 3 lots will open in easy. You're an idiot, go check on the demo. You even got an EA above so you can check it in the tester. You're a theorist who has never traded at all. Otherwise you wouldn't be talking such blatant nonsense. Why are you trying to be a mega trader, when you've never traded even on the demo mode? You don't even understand elementary things. You may be an idiot if you just open two positions of 1 lot each and you'll finally see that the deposit will not be taken at all. For 2 lots, the deposit will be 0. If we have a total of 4 lots, then 2 lots will be rebuilt and the deposit will be only for 2 lots, ie 15658. That's it, you dumb theorist, go check on the demo. Otherwise you are lying.
E_mc2 >>:
Да и ещё ...смотри умалишонный, на МТ4 можна точно так же сделать как и на МТ5. На 1 лот выставить стоп на 40 пипс и выставить ордер на 2 лота. Первый лот тебе закроют с убытком 40*1 лот= 11600 и вернут залог. А второй ордер отроют на 2 лота с залогом в 15658, и ты точно так же на МТ4 откроешся как и на МТ 5, и точно так же через 20 пипс выйдеш в б\у. Ну и где здесь разница где лишние шаги, где более быстрый выход в б\у, где увеличение обьёмов на МТ4?? Точно так же на МТ4 можна зделать как и на МТ5. Ох ты и тупарь.. Ты даже вообще не понимаешь о чём речь..не знаешь даже принцыпов простейших..

You have finally figured it out - it was the most obvious way for you to cheat to solve the problem. Only by the terms of the problem in MT4 you cannot close the first order and you have to open the second one with 3 lots. So, your words:

E_mc2 >>
And one more thing... look, crazy, you can do the same on MT4 as you can on MT5. On 1 lot set a stop on 40 pips and put an order for 2 lots. the first lot you will close with a loss of 40*1 lot = 11600 and return the deposit. And the second order will be opened for 2 lots with a deposit of 15658, and you just as MT4 will open as well as MT5, and in the same way after 20 pips you go in B/B. So what's the difference between the extra steps, the faster time to breakeven and the higher volumes on MT4? You can do the same thing on MT4 as you can on MT5. You're such a dumbass. You don't even know what you're talking about... you don't even know the basics...
JonKatana писал(а) >>

The word "compensation" means that you are not charged an additional deposit for a second open order of the same volume, but in the opposite direction. You will not be refunded for the first open order of the same volume.

These words are totally untrue. I strongly recommend you to look through the report and if you don't believe me, download the terminal (I gave a link to the DC) and try it yourself. And then, please, give us your opinion here.

joo >>:

Из Вас психоаналитик ни к черту. Или с кем то меня попутал. Ни 1) ни 2) ни 3) не верно.

I wanted to write that right away too, but decided to check it out. You have exactly lived up to my expectations. No one will admit to being who they really are - everyone hides behind masks. You're no exception. You will never admit that I am right.

JonKatana >>:

1) В ДЦ с компенсацией залогов за противоположные ордера одинакового объема берут залог такого размера, как будто вы выставили один ордер такого объема. Слово "компенсация" означает, что за второй открытый ордер того же объема, но в противоположном направлении, с вас не берут дополнительный залог. А не возвращают залог за первый открытый ордер того же объема.

2) Что значит "ордера всего 4"? Ордера 2 (два). Откуда вы еще два лишних ордера взяли? Отсюда и ваши странная фраза: "при отрытии позы на 3 лота дополнительно возьмёца залог за 1 лот. Два другие взаимно перекрываюца за них залог 0". То есть вы уже какой-то третий ордер открыли - где вы его нашли?

3) Представил нарисованную вами картину - открываешь два ордера в противоположных направлениях объемом, например, 100 лотов, а залог в размере

You're a moron...this is your theorist bullshit who has never traded even on a demo. And I'm telling you to take a brokerage house with compensation for different orders and just check it out. You're an idiot and you're bullshitting me. You're not talking to me with your stupid words. I checked on the demo open 1 lot pledge 7,829 rubles... open an order in the opposite direction on 1 lot of the pledge becomes 0. That's practice for you, theorist fool. You have got a poser on the entire forum and it's obvious that you have never traded even on a demo. Check the demo and make sure you're an idiot. As for the deposit, they do not refund it just for 2 orders from the start they do not take it.
On point two. Don't be an idiot, you know you're talking about 4 lots, not warrants. When an opponent has nothing to say on the matter, he begins to pick on spelling errors.
On point three. You're still the same as you were a sheep. You're not gonna open for 100 lots. You're going to open within a deposit of, say, 3 lots. You are so dumb that you don't understand that in order to open an opposite order, you have to open an order in any direction. What are you saying semi-intelligent. If you open 3 lots in the opposite direction, the whole deposit will be refunded, and for four lots the deposit for two lots will be refunded. A three-lot order requires an extra margin of 7,829. And it opens without any problems.

You're a fool of a theorist. You're not a real trader.
JonKatana >>:

Это я тоже хотел написать сразу, но решил проверить. Вы в точности оправдали мои ожидания. Ни один человек не признается, что он такой, какой он есть на самом деле - все спрячутся за масками. Вы не исключение. Вы ни за что ни признаетесь, что я прав.

Bold can be used in all situations. Give me an example of my quotes from this thread to support your conclusions. Otherwise, don't bother talking about the motives of the posters again.

JonKatana >>:

Наконец-то вы до этого додумались - это был самый очевидный способ схитрить для вас, чтобы решить задачу. Только по условиям задачи в MT4 первый ордер закрывать нельзя, а нужно открыть второй объемом 3 лота. Так что вам - ваши слова:

Yeah, don't get off the subject. You said that MT5 will be twice as fast to buy, that MT4 will increase volumes, etc. So where does that leave MT5? You're lying. There's no difference. You're an Oretik so you don't know anything about forex. Besides you are a liar. О
And I repeat, an order with three lots is easy to open without any problems. There's no margin on two lots. Only for the other two. Check the demo.
You're lying. But I'll post screenshots of the demo tomorrow.
api >>:

Эти слова - абсолютная неправда. Настоятельно рекомендую Вам просмотреть отчет и если не верите мне - закачайте терминал(я дал ссылку на ДЦ) и попробуйте самостоятельно. А потом, все же, озвучте здесь Ваше мнение.

Yes please. Here are two lines from the log at the time of the second order opening:

2010.04.18 19:14:33 2010.01.04 07:56 api EURUSD,M1: Balance: 50000.00, Free margin: 50026.47, Margin: 286.53, Opened orders: 1, Total profit: 313.00, Equity: 50313.00
2010.04.18 19:14:49 2010.01.06 08:23 api EURUSD,M1: Balance: 50000.00, Free margin: 47822.12, Margin: 860.88, Opened orders: 2, Total profit: -1317.00, Equity: 48683.00

The first order is opened in volume of 1 lot, the second is opened in volume of 3 lots. The first order's deposit is compensated by a part of the second order's deposit, so the total deposit equals 3 lots.