Avalanche - page 172

d22 >>:

Закодить я могу. Вот говоришь что лавина не сольет все, а это уже движение в нужную сторону, т к проблема лавины как раз в том что когда сливает - сливает все. Кстати - СЛ на уровне запланированной просадки(это просто первое что в голову приходит) - не очень эффективное решение. Катана предложил двигать канал туда сюда что-бы слезть с флета - идея хорошая. Вот если собрать в комплексе все идеи и реализовать, то думаю можно будет поднять уровень выживаемости лавины на высокий уровень, что убить ее будет очень тяжело

No, it's not a move in the right direction. I wrote above about why. If you do not know how to stop losses, they will be large by the time you stop them, because the lot is growing aggressively. Then you need to compensate for this loss with lots of profit trades, remember that you start trading with a small initial lot. Moving the channel is also a stupid idea. This is because sometimes the flop goes from one level to another... move the channel and a flop appears there as well... the price ran away a bit... move the channel and the flop continues and may lead to complete loss.
d22 писал(а) >>

I can do it. You say that an avalanche will not drain everything, and this is already a move in the right direction, because the problem with an avalanche is that when it drains, it drains everything. By the way - SL at the level of planned drawdown (it's just the first thing that comes to mind) - not a very effective solution. If we do not go back to the flat we will go down in flux - that is a good idea. If you put all ideas together and implement them, then I think we can bring avalanche survivability to a high level and it will be very hard to kill it.

Well and zakodite in general interesting, what will work - two TS one trend and another - flute, switching between them indicators on the account. (Avalanche is still a flat strategy?).
E_mc2 >>:

Нет это не движение в нужную сторону. Выше писал по чему. К тому моменту как ты остановишь убытки они будут уже приличными из за того что лот наращиваеца агресивно. Потом что б компенсировать этот убыток нада будет очень много зделок в профит, ведь не забывай что при мартине начинаем торговать с начального маленького лота. Двигать канал тоже туфтовая идея. Потому что часто бывает такое что флет переходит от уровня к уровню..подвинули канал а там тоже флет образовался...цена убежала немного..подвинули канал и там флетит и так до полного слива может быть.

Well, the loss does not grow that aggressively, because we essentially have a lock, the loss or profit is made only by the difference between the total volume of buy and sell orders. By moving the channel we thereby set one more parameter to our flat, under which it has to fit in order to kill the avalanche - it should follow our channel - which is also unlikely. We may also change the width of the channel. And it is possible to stop at breakeven when the lot volume reaches a dangerous value. One can suggest that after the flop, the possibility that the flop will occur again very unlikely and open with a bigger lot in order to cover losses from the previous flop more quickly.

E_mc2 писал(а) >>

Arrived from the barbecue, a bottle of beer nearby, I turn on the computer, the internet, the forum, the avalanche...well, as usual, relaxation... my spouse watches dom2 and I read the avalanche... cool.
E_mc2 you remind me of a predator that has clung to its prey, but the "buffalo" turned out to be large and strong (dumb) that the impetuous attack choked. Why would you want to do that? A long, positional war... lie down, as I did, under a nearby tree, in the shade, rest, drink water, look around... the prey will die on its own... the bites were fatal (by forum standards)...
Another phrase from my son's online game: "There are usually a lot of meaty monsters in the dungeon that have a lot of x/p".

Mischek, for you:
"There are usually a lot of creepy beasts in the dungeon that have a lot of healing points ".

It's a whole virtual world my son lives in almost around the clock.

2 sever29: yeah, Dom 3, just as good.
Tantrik >>:

Ну и закодите вообще интересно, что получится - две ТС одна тренд другая флет, переключение между ними индикаторы на счёте. (лавина всё таки флетовая ТС ?).

I've been coding for a long time, and I've got a good idea and order in my head. I've done it, I got it all right from the ninth time, and only on my own enthusiasm. I have already worked with them. I've already drawn them, I've had them on my trading robot and I've managed to get them out of the avalanche, but they have survived with no insurance in the avalanche. But it's not optimization - I'm answering, I picked it by eye.


I have a friend doing a dissertation in conflict studies. I should recommend this forum to him :))
I've had a megabyte and a half of swearing in this thread, and the result is only spoiled moods.

Richie писал(а) >>

I have a friend doing a dissertation in conflict studies. I should recommend this forum to him :))
They made a swearing match and a half megabyte in this theme, but the result was only spoiled mood.

>> on the contrary, rainbows...

sever29 >>:
Приехал с шашлыков, бутылочка пива рядом, врубаю комп, инет, форум, лавина...ну как обычно, релакс... вот моя супруга дом2 смотрит, а я лавину читаю... класс.

Yeah. Just like old times: bottle of beer, internet, forum, Niroba... you know, the usual relaxation... :)

E_mc2 писал(а) >>

Yeah, that's what I think too. They say they trade on forex, they try to explain people landslides with a smart look... This is a unique guy. They may not be fools. Either a spiteful troll or a real idiot.
But here I do not categorically believe that he is trading, even on the demo. They don't know the basics, the fundamentals of trading. For someone who has been trading, he knows these things by heart. The author, of course, is very illiterate.

The conclusion IMHO wrong. You should periodically send a signature to sign up for trading.
We should periodically get fresh ideas otherwise we will not be able to fulfil our plan of losing money.
So the author is most likely not illiterate, he is just doing his job.
Where did this conclusion come from:
- The author believes in the armor of his TS, even called the indicators of growth of the deposit (doubling over 2-4 weeks),
- The author himself does not trade by it (don't need money or have no time to earn?),
- I don't have any money or time to make money?
- I have not tried to implement it in the code itself (at least I have not shown it), although I am familiar with coding - there is a rabbitt indicator in the kotobase.