Avalanche - page 175

Tantrik писал(а) >>

It looks like you're on a quest....

yes, in a protracted one.

sever29 писал(а) >>

>> yes, in the lingering

Talk to Lechandros 100pp a day and he doesn't hide tc The connoisseurs have already figured it out https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/125278/page7
Tantrik писал(а) >>

Chat with Lehandros 100pp a day and he doesn't hide tc.

Asked, he didn't say anything, and I didn't understand his method from his posts, maybe I missed something.
Lehandros, how do you trade?

Tantrik >>:
А вопросы по теме? время нахождения позиции в минусе сколько ждать? А ваше мнение об индикаторе остановки лавины при неблагоприятных условиях завязанном на счёте- балансе?

Until the price moves beyond the breakeven level. To wait with the benefit of your deposit, use "override".

You are free to stop the Avalanche whenever you want - it is your choice. But only someone who has miscalculated the initial parameters has to do so.

Tantrik >>:

Пообщайтесь с Лехандросом 100пп в день и не скрывает тс Знатоки уже всё выяснили https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/125278/page7

By the way, about the profits. On Friday on EURUSD I took 52 pips in four trades out of a daily price move of 108 pips. That is 48%.

JonKatana писал(а) >>

By the way, about the profits. On Friday on EURUSD I took 52 pips in four trades out of a daily price move of 108 pips. That is 48%.


JonKatana >>:

Неверно. У вас всего два разнонаправленных ордера - объемом 1 лот и объемом 3 лота. Сначала с вас берут залог за первый открытый ордер в размере 7829 рублей. При открытии второго ордера объемом 3 лота с вас берут дополнительный залог за разницу объемов первого и второго ордеров. То есть за 3 - 1 = 2 лота. Общий залог составит 7829 + 15658 = 23486 рублей. А теперь вам - ваши же слова:

You ...peepee You're not a peepee by any chance. Or are you just a pipsqueak?

Can't you see in your dumb brain that there's no bail for 2 differently directed warrants. There's zero bail on two warrants. There's only four warrants. Two takes a deposit, two differently directed orders don't take a deposit. There is already a pledge for 1 lot, 2 lots will not take a pledge. This means that if you open a position for 3 lots, the deposit for 1 lot will be taken additionally. The other two mutually overlapping for them a pledge of 0. Total deposit will be 15658. Additional margin for opening need 7829.Order for 3 lots will open in easy. You're an idiot, go check on the demo. You even got an EA above so you can check it in the tester. You're a theorist who has never traded at all. Otherwise you wouldn't be talking such blatant nonsense. Why are you trying to be a mega trader, when you've never traded even on the demo mode? You don't even understand elementary things. You may be an idiot if you just open two positions of 1 lot each and you'll finally see that the deposit will not be taken at all. For 2 lots, the deposit will be 0. If we have a total of 4 lots, then 2 lots will be recrossed and the deposit will be only for 2 lots, ie 15658. That's it, you dumb theorist, go check on the demo. Otherwise you're lying.

Oh my god ... you stupid tree ... just take a demo, open 1 lot and the other side open 3 lots. And check it out. And you'll see that the margin will only be for 2 lots. And you write that the margin will be 4 lots for 3. Do you even understand the meaning of the phrase DC with margin compensation on opposite orders of the same volume. - If you're not able to understand it in your stupid brain and you've never traded even on a demo. If you've never traded in the demo mode, you may have checked it in reality. But you're so dumb that you didn't even think to check the demo. Why are you so stubborn, take the demo and check it out?
And another thing ... look crazy, on MT4 you can do the same thing as on MT5. At 1 lot, put a stop loss of 40 pips and place an order for 2 lots. The first lot will close with a loss of 40*1 lot = 11600 and you will get the deposit back. And the second order will be opened for 2 lots with a deposit of 15658, and you just as MT4 will open as well as MT5, and in the same way after 20 pips you go in B/B. So what's the difference between the extra steps, the faster time to breakeven and the higher volumes on MT4? You can do the same thing on MT4 as you can on MT5. You're such a dumbass. You don't even know what you're talking about. You don't even know the basics.
JonKatana >>:

Что именно? Если в целом - вы робко развлекаетесь. Почему робко? Большинство ваших сообщений в этой теме -1) либо согласие с чьим-то высказыванием (в том числе, моими),2) либо присоединение к чьей-то критике.3) К тому же у вас стиль сообщений человека, сомневающегося в своих словах - отсюда вопросы, извинения заранее и т. д.

You're not a damn psychoanalyst. Or maybe I'm confused with someone else. Neither 1) nor 2) nor 3) is correct.