Avalanche - page 149

Sometimes the Avalanche works like this:

But most of the time it works like this:

It totally sucks ))))
E_mc2 писал(а) >>

Yeah, well ... then it turns out that you can open two accounts, in one brokerage house. And just put in a lock on this pair. On the long side they give + and on the short side they give +. So it's a gold mine...

typo or is it the latest trend?)

sever29 >>:

вот с Вами общаюсь и самого заинтересовало... как бы расчитать будет ли % от этого замка больше банковского кредита (сбера)

And this will depend solely on the difference in swaps ... let's say for example let the difference be 0.3 pips per day. That is, such a year by 0.3 will be 365 times = 110 pips. If the deposit of 10k is opened by 3 lots, for example, 3300 that is 30.3% per year. If we open 4 lots, it will be 4400 per year etc...
sever29 >>:

опечатка или эт последний писк моды?

Obviously a typo... it made me laugh))
artikul >>:
Иногда "Лавина" работает вот так:

Но чаще всего - вот так:

Полный отстой )))

Talk to Krosh, I think that's his nickname... he gave different reports here.) His depot was sky rocketing))
E_mc2 писал(а) >>

Yeah, well ... then it turns out that you can open two accounts, in one brokerage house. And just put in a lock on this pair. On the long side they give + and on the short side they give +. So, this is a gold mine.

This is another peculiarity - swaps are changed regularly. You have to take it into account and watch out. You cannot earn much on it.
If you already have it, we should put one leg on brokerage companies and pair with maximum swaps, and the other on Islamic (swap-free) account.

goldtrader писал(а) >>

There is another feature - swaps are changed regularly. This has to be taken into account and monitored. You will not earn much on it.
And if you do make much profit, you should put one leg to DC and a couple with maximal swaps, and the second leg to Islamic (swap-free) account.

Why Islamic when there are others, even with hundredths of a percent, but with positive swaps?
While smoking, I calculated, in the roughest form we work out the spread in a fortnight (+- a couple of days). We earn one pip per day (7 days per week).

E_mc2 >>:

Поговри на эту тему с Крош вроде так его ник..он тут совсем другие отчёты приводил)) У него депо под небеса взлетало))

I don't think I can do it )))) He's learned to cleverly hide equity under the balance )))
sever29 писал(а) >>

why Islamic when there are others, albeit with hundredths of a cent, but with a positive swap.

Islamic will allow the second leg to be opened on ANY pair, including those with MAXIMUM swaps.
Whether such a tandem can be found on regular accounts is a big question.


Also: I opened all pairs in buy on the Neuter, three weeks ago. 90% of the pairs with positive swaps are in the + and vice versa pairs with negative swaps are in the negative. Maybe there is some sense in it:) Swaps have almost no effect on profits... But they show them as a sign of which way to open. Almost a portfolio curry:)