Avalanche - page 145

zhuki >>:
US Dollar vs Canadian dollar USDCAD 4 -0.12 +0.05
Но при открытии лока по USDCAD суммарный своп будет отрицательный -0.07
Или я что то не понимаю? И чем он от других отличается? Объясни.

The wrong pair... There are real pairs where the total swap is in the pluses... even A*** and B*** are there... just need to dig in... mostly on exotic crosses... it's not worth looking for it on majors... But it's not much use anyway :) The game is not worth the effort
zhuki >>:

Вы бы нас не грамотных получше просветили по поводу реальной торговли. А то мы ещё дети. Да и обижать нас не надо. Ведь у нас всё ещё впереди. Куда нам до вас.

Who's hurting... what are you talking about? :)))) I'm just dispelling the pink fog as much as I can:)
lexandros писал(а) >>

The wrong pair... There are real pairs where the total swap is in the pluses... even A*** and B*** are there... just need to dig in... mostly on exotic crosses... it's not worth looking for it on majors... But it's not much use anyway :) The game is not worth the effort

agree.... almost

sever29 >>:

в одном своп на коротких + 0,6623, в другом, на длинных + +0.05. Вот Вам лок с полождителдьными свопами в разных ДЦ

I realised that they were different DCs.

They say brokerage companies are aware of this fork thing...but I don't understand how...The account is opened in different brokerage companies, one is long and the other is short...Who cares if I started waiting for EUR at 2.0 on the long term? How do they know I put them on a fork...
lexandros >>:

Да кто обижает то... о чем вы? :)))) Я просто по мере возможностей немного развеиваю розовый туман:)

Yes, our rose-coloured glasses have been broken in the workplace since socialism. We are all realists here.

E_mc2 писал(а) >>
They said DTs are somehow aware of this fork thing...although I don't understand how...the account is opened in different DTs, one is a long in the other short...who cares if I'm waiting for the euro at 2.0. How do they know I put them on a fork...

I don't know how, it's probably a lie.

Galina писал(а) >>
Sorry to interrupt your conversation....
If anyone else is interested in the topic of the thread....
Here's another report on the "catcher" bot

>> so?

It takes 5 minutes to find swaps... Create a script that stupidly polls all instruments in MarketWatch for MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_SWAPSHORT) and MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_SWAPLONG) - add and compare with spread... if it is in the plus - go to the file...

Each brokerage company will probably have several such pairs... If anyone has a desire to play around with it - go ahead... But profits are too small... In one day - tenths of a point... What kind of lots one has to make to see at least some tangible kopecks...
lexandros >>:

Вы никогда не сталкивались с суровой реальностью? что в случае лося - вашу сделку никто и никогда не отменит... А в случае если вы вдруг на гэпе схватили хороший профит - могут запросто отменить, с любой формулировкой. от "ошибки сервера" до "нерыночной котировки". И доказывать бесполезно...
К сожалению на реале дела обстоят именно так... даже в самых уважаемых и серьезных ДЦ.

Honestly, I've never encountered anything like this...
Although I won't lie, I have had many unpleasant experiences with DC, but not exactly what you're talking about.