Avalanche - page 80

SZZ: I get the feeling that the topicstarter is a pure theorist... and hardly ever traded, even on a demo account, if he does not understand the difference between Equity and Balance
lexandros 01.04.2010 21:34

ZS: I have a feeling that the topicstarter is a pure theorist... And it is unlikely that ever traded, even on a demo account if he does not understand the difference between Equity and Balance

Today is the first of April, your head is boiling in the evening and the topikstarter is playing for real and I know dude's words.
lexandros >>:
Вы, слышали понятия Балланс и Эквити (Свободные средства)? Баланс возможно и будет расти, но это не играет совершенно никакой роли. Баланс отражает закрытые позиции. Смотреть надо на эквити. Т.е. именно этими средствами вы распологаете на самом деле. И именно этими средствами можете оперировать... Торговать на них, вывести со счета, и т.п. А то что показывает баланс - это фикция. Закройте все открытые в данные момент позиции и баланс станет равным эквити...
Try it - you'll be very surprised. Do you think the bails evaporate?
JonKatana писал(а) >>
Try it - you'll be very surprised. Do you think the bails evaporate?

Bonds are counted in Equity.
JonKatana >>:
Попробуйте - сильно удивитесь. Залоги, по-вашему, испаряются?

Yeklmn... You'll get your deposits back...
I almost fell off my chair... The Equity takes into account YOUR REAL funds... That is, the funds that you actually have left after closing all your positions. The deposits will RETURN to you after the positions are closed. Don't you even know that?
To see the amount available for trading - there is another figure... AccountFreeMargin (Free) is exactly the amount you can trade... I.e. Equity minus deposits.
I have a question (I don't want to go through the whole thread). When the pending order reaches the reversal level, is it placed from the current price? (i.e. price + a certain deviation) or from a boundary of the first 2 orders? (In this case the channel turns out to be horizontal)
JonKatana >>:
Попробуйте - сильно удивитесь. Залоги, по-вашему, испаряются?

Yeah )))) Some people's soup is liquid and some people's pearls are small )))

JonKatana писал(а) >>

Is there nothing else to object to? That is as it should be. You have no argument.

No, I wasn't objecting, I was stating it.

JonKatana >>:

Есть две степени эгоизма - низшая и высшая. Низшая - когда вы что-то делаете для себя и получаете немного удовольствия. Высшая - когда вы делаете добро многим людям и от этого получаете огромное наслаждение.

By the way... Your illness looks more like sadism. After all, there are newcomers who after reading this thread - God forbid - will open a real account and pour their honestly earned money into it... And of course they will lose it. You don't even have to ask anyone...
There's already one... a certain mig. But this man is apparently unwell, so he probably does not care...

So it's not egoism, it's sadism...
And as for the psychiatrist, I'd take some advice if I were you...
It took me 5 minutes to put together the "Avalanche" netting version:) it only had 10 lines...
Here's a fun result... Range is 40. The lot is fixed at 0.1 and the initial deposit is 10 000. Of course, you can optimize the corridor... and most likely, you could chart a profit... But the essence will not change much.