Avalanche - page 62

lexandros писал(а) >>

To guarantee closing... Nested loop...

Maybe the while() loop would not be needed if the loop for (x=0;x<OrdersTotal();x++) was replaced by the correct one for (x=OrdersTotal()-1;xi>=0; x--)

alex_r писал(а) >>

Naturally, the exact same multiplier flip is used. Only the payoff is higher, with the same risks, maybe even less. Even just using the variant where the flap falls between the orders the result is much better with a smaller multiplication factor. Get creative, gentlemen:)

A lot depends on how you exit the market. I use a simple one, I described it above. You can use the variant proposed by JonKatana or make a calculated TP using Fibo levels. There is much more to be done. Perhaps the result will be quite different. I do not like your curve much due to large unevenness of profits in time.
In fact the lion's share of the profit is made as a result of multiple entries.
khorosh >>:

Может быть цикл с while() и не понадобился бы, если бы цикл for (x=0;x<OrdersTotal();x++) был заменён на правильный for (x=OrdersTotal()-1;xi>=0; x--)

Um... To be honest, I don't understand the difference. in your "correct" version, the orders are going from the last to the first. In mine (for some reason "wrong") from first to last. Maybe you can explain what the difference is? I do not understand it.
The while loop has quite a different purpose.
Inside the loop, the order is being closed. After the loop has closed, we have one more loop to search for orders and, if an order has not been found, everything repeats itself. In other words, this is a nested cycle.
In other words, after exiting this loop, we can be 100% sure that everything that we need is closed. Or rather not 100% of course:) As they say, even a morgue does not give 100%... But at least close to it.
lexandros писал(а) >>

Um... To be honest, I don't understand the difference. In your "correct" version, the orders go from the last to the first. In mine (for some reason "wrong") from first to last. Maybe you can explain what the difference is? I do not understand it.
The while loop has quite a different purpose.
Inside the loop, the order is being closed. After the loop has closed, we have one more loop to search for orders and, if an order has not been found, everything repeats itself. In other words, this is a nested cycle.
In other words, after exiting this loop, we can be 100% sure that everything that we need is closed. Or rather not 100% of course:) As they say, even a morgue does not give 100%... But at least close to it.

Apparently you were forced to make an external loop, because your internal loop wasn't working properly. Read the classic.

I'm familiar with JonKatana and anyone who tries to hush up the LAVIN theme isn't going to get it that easy.
I'll tell you directly I'm sick of your arguments!!!Even though I didn't want to!!!
I have always been a bit slow on the uptake, I've always been careful when I look at the market and I don't know how to do it.
I use candlesticks and if you study them you practically cannot use martin (as I said before using martin only after a missed chance, you won't have a clump.)
But you have to watch them all the time, even if you use a mobile phone.
If I do not know what to do and do not know how to do it, I cannot do it properly.
If I do not know how to do levels between open orders (you can check RABBIT indicator by JonKatana), it works harder, every time price gets stuck on lines, use it.
mig34 >>:

What is your average profit in % per month?

FOR 2 weeks 40 per cent
khorosh >>:

Видимо внешний цикл вы и были вынуждены сделать, так как внутренний цикл у вас работал некорректно. Читайте классика.

Well, maybe I'll read it at my leisure... Thanks.
I don't quite understand the difference in the order of the orders? from first to last, or from last to first. What does it change?
Can you explain it in a nutshell. Is it really necessary to read a whole book/article for that.
lexandros писал(а) >>

Well maybe I'll read it at my leisure... >> thank you.
I don't quite understand the difference in the order of orders? from first to last, or from last to first. What does it change?
Can you explain it in a nutshell. Is it really necessary to read a whole book/article for that.

In your version not all orders will be closed. Excerpt from the article:
" The list of orders in the terminal is dynamic, while a pass in the for() loop will be static - if we were told to pass from 0 (zero) to total-1 (the number of orders in the list before we start removing orders minus one), then that will be so. If there were 10 orders and we start from the beginning of the list (from the zero order in the list), then, after we have gone from 0 to 4, the list of orders will contain 5 orders and they will be placed on positions from 0 to 5 again. And passing from 5 to 9 in the loop will give blank shots, the remaining orders will not be closed or deleted. The correct way is to delete from the end of the list, then there will not be a collapse effect. The figure shows the order of deleting orders from the end of the list, the size of the list will decrease after each deletion/closure, no order will be missed. "
The article is a couple of pages long and the illustration is advised reading.

mig34 >>:
Я знаком с JonKatana и каждый кто пытается замять тему ЛАВИНУ не так просто это получится.
Скажу напрямую надоели ваши споры!!!Хотя нехотел!!!
Система мартина работает от и до:до этого терпел убытки и ждал, надеелся BIT вернется,но после того как узнал про мартина от JonKatana все изменилось,убытков больше нет (но надо соизмерять лот).
Я пользуюсь свечами и если их изучать то можно практически и не пользоваться мартином(как и говарил ранее мартином пользоваться только после промаха тогда комка не будет, и изучайте графики).
Но следить надо постоянно хоть через мобилу .
Если хочешь и заработать то надо хоть и замашиной посидеть тогда будет прибыль.А через советника 50 на 50 мож повезет.
Так как я бестолков в математике а JonKatana умеет щетать и прощетав и проверив на счете(первые лоты увеличеваеш в 3 раза, выходеш быстрее если не получилось выйти то уменьшаешь лот и серовно выйдешь.Если кто незнает какие делать уровни между открытием ордеров(Есть тема RABBIT в индикаторах от JonKatana) работает от и до каждый раз цена застревает на линиях их и используйте.

Here, picked it up somewhere on the internet. I think it's relevant:

"The motorist couldn't have known what it was all about,
. And his engine was on fire, the spark plug was on fire.
. Around the highway, carrots bloomed, bees buzzed.
. ♪ And the convicts sang about love from the stereo ♪
. ♪ He was taking a harpsichord to the cottage, his wife told him to ♪
. # He drove down the highway alone, the candle lit... #
. ♪ The candle was burning in the Zhiguli, the candle was stinking ♪
. He thought they were burning hay in the fields, cursing the morons.
. There was an explosion. Blood boiled. His eyelids closed,
. The carrots wilted from the fire. Convicts are silenced.
. ♪ A body fell on the highway by the horizon ♪
. The candle made all the trouble. ♪ The candle was burning ♪
. ♪ The cops will call the firemen to put it out ♪
. ♪ Doctors will take your eyes and ears for organs ♪
. They'll chalk up the remains of the body piece by piece.
. They'll find the cause and say there was a candle burning.
. Reader! You've read the poem and you're waiting for a moral.
. ♪ As long as your engine's good, your pedals are strong ♪
. # As long as you don't look like mincemeat, as long as you're awake #
. ♪ To the inspection, march! ♪ # To the inspection! #
