[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 62

Yurixx >>:

"Силы инерции самого самолета" не существует в природе.


It wasn't that long ago.

Too bad.

And there are less and less fish in Ladoga every year.

What is the world coming to, how to live ....

Richie писал(а) >>

You are simply mixing up the bodies. The internal energy of a solution is higher than that of its individual components - water and salt. Therefore, when the salt dissolves, it cools down. The mass of the substances is the same, but the energy of the solution is higher, so in order for the solution to form, it has to absorb this energy from somewhere. And it can only absorb it by cooling down. The energy will come in from the outside environment.

Apparently you don't understand what I mean. I am not talking about the internal energy of the solution or the processes that take place during dissolution. When the solution has already been formed and everything has happened to the internal energy, it begins to interact with the snow. It gives it its heat energy by cooling down and the snow melts accordingly and a new solution is formed as a result.

Mischek >>:


Ещё не давно была

Очень жаль

И рыбы в Ладоге с каждым годом всё меньше

Куда мир катится, как жить ....

It's a good thing, you can imagine the possibilities :-)


TASK #3:

There is an enclosed room. It is heated by a heating radiator. The temperature in the room is 20°C. A fan has been installed next to the radiator.

Question: How will the room temperature change after the fan is installed?


1 Ignore the energy produced by the fan, let it blow, but it will not heat the air.

2. Consider that there are no windows in the room.

VladislavVG >>:

ЗЫ Вы правда МАИ заканчивали ?

not so not MAI, but in May :-))
Another incorrect task. What on earth...
Yurixx писал(а) >>

You don't seem to understand what I mean. I'm not talking about the internal energy of the solution or the processes that take place during dissolution. When the solution has already been formed and everything has happened to the internal energy, it begins to interact with the snow. In doing so, it gives it its thermal energy by cooling down, and the snow melts accordingly, resulting in the formation of a new solution.

Now I get it. But, don't forget, we are talking specifically about a mixture of snow and salt, so all the processes occur simultaneously.

Farnsworth писал(а) >>

But all this time I have been talking about something else entirely, a condition which is not very correct. Perhaps I have misunderstood it in some way. If you can explain to me exactly this condition, or rather its possibility of occurrence - I will be grateful to you.

For any increase in conveyor belt speed - (I may be wrong quantitatively, sorry) the chassis rotation speed increases twofold, and it happens instantly (recall - I'm not even arguing with this). It sort of just is. How do we enforce the condition of equality of web and chassis rotation speeds? (let me remind you of what we have both come to - wheel rotation is always greater than belt speed).

If the incorrectness of the condition is contained in the question posed above, then this is the case.

The wheel has only one point of contact which sets the linkage - it is the point of contact with the conveyor belt. The plane does not in any way prevent the wheel from spinning in either direction. Therefore, the wheel spins at a circumferential speed equal to that of the transporter. This is ensured by the friction force between it and the wheel. Nothing prevents this as the wheel has no internal friction or inertia.

Yurixx >>:

Выделил корень всего. Спор вокруг кпд возник из-за неправильного его определения. кпд = отношению полезной работы ко всей работе. Для кондиционера, который потребляя мощность 1квт дает комнате 1.5квт, полезная (т.е. переносимая извне) мощность составляет 0.5квт. Остальное - это потребляемая им мощность электроэнергии, которая в конечном счете преобразуется в тепло (как например у обычной нагревательной спирали). Поэтому для кондиционера кпд = 0.5/1.5 = 1/3. Больше единицы (в данном случае) кпд мог бы быть только если бы обеспечивал 2квт.

Т.о. ты абсолютно прав, коэффициент всегда меньше 2 и кпд всегда меньше 1.

Thanks for the encouragement, but it looks like we are indeed wrong :) . The refrigeration factor for an ideal process can be almost anything. Accordingly, there is no fundamental limitation on the efficiency, it all depends on the temperatures at the "pump ends" and the degree of approximation to the ideal cycle.

xeon >>:

дак это-ж наоборот хорошо, представляете какие перспективы открываются :-)

Which ones ? (

The MAI man's plane hasn't been able to take off for a day ...

And ...