[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 326

What program are you talking about, qwerty? What was it calculating?
Mathemat писал(а) >>
What program are you talking about, qwerty? What was it calculating?

Gauss probability integral - are there table values with that accuracy? Or are you confused again?

No, why. It's just an estimate alsu made by eye.
Сумма[n=51...100]{[число_сочетаний_из_100_по_n]*0.01^n*0.99^(100-n)}<br/ translate="no">
This sum is easy to estimate. The maximal term in it is the first one: the maximal coefficient (or close to it) is just number_of_100_to_51, because it is binomial (and they are maximal in the centre, i.e. at about half degree). And the degree 0.01 at it is minimal. Its value evaluates the whole sum in order. Further,
number_of_100_to_51 is 100!/(51!*49!) ~ 2^100 ~ 10^30.
0.01^51 * 0.99^49 ~ 0.6 * 10^(-102).
Actually something on the order of 10^(-72) and comes out, alsu...
the peephole has failed :))))
Divide the figure into two equal parts, matching when superimposed.

Oh, fuckin' hell. I'm still stumped. Did your son get this at school? :)
Mathemat >>:
Ох ни хрена себе. Я пока в ступоре. Это твоему сыну в школе задали? :)

nope )

I stumbled across it by accident, there was no answer, like it used to be on the hubra

The overlap should probably occur when rotating 180 and carrying it parallel. But 180 is not a fact, it could be 90 in fact.
Mischek писал(а) >>
Divide the figure into two equal parts that coincide when superimposed.

Mischek, What do you mean equal? Equal in area? What do you mean by congruent, how do you overlap, by which sides?

There's nothing else in the assignment.
I understand we're representing a shape on paper.
we cut it somehow.
flip it the way we want
but we have to make sure that when we overlap...