[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 328

Mathemat >>:
Задача Витгенштейна - только для Richie, остальным - мааал-чать!

"Взрывающая мозг", по терминологии автора, формулировка такова: обвяжем веревкой по экватору земной шар и футбольный мяч, после чего добавим к каждой еще по одному метру и наденем обратно. Вопрос — в каком случае, Земли или мяча, зазор будет больше?

boohaha. Perelman's entertaining geometry comes to mind

Richie >>:

Очевидно, что площадь одной фигуры - 9 клеток.

deep. is that 18 divided by 2 or what? :))))))

Mathemat >>:

2 alsu: ну тогда задача элементарна. Правда, частей выходит не две, а три...

The funny thing is, it's exactly 2

Oops, so I've made the wrong decision. Let's think again.
I wanted to fold along the vertical line so that the bump stands up over the concave, and then cut along the resulting axis of symmetry.
Mathemat >>:
чтобы шишка встала над впуклостью

you're on!

Yeah, I didn't realise I'd made a joke of it myself.

I don't see what the catch is with the ball and globe problem.
If the length of the rope increases by X, then its diameter must also increase in proportion to X.
So it turns out that the gap is the same. Although, what do you mean by the gap?

Well done, Richie, still remembering geometry.

Mathemat, here's a problem for you: https://forum.mql4.com/ru/31071/page3
Where does this number come from? This is the 3rd time I've seen it.

Attached is a solution with a figure. if you are interested, look, cut, check:))
-1111.zip  29 kb