[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 134

Yeah, it's time to get high
Mathemat писал(а) >>

But Richie has something else in store for an appetiser in this task...

No, I won't tell you yet. Think for yourself when you have the time. The walls, of course, should be considered "mirror". Yes, the problem seems to be from Perelman's book.

And in general, for those who haven't read Perelman, I advise you very much.

Richie >>:

Нет, пока не скажу. Сами думайте, когда время будет. Стенки, конечно, следует считать "зеркальными". Да, задача кажется из книги Перельмана.

А вообще, тем кто не читал Перельмана, очень советую.

It doesn't work like that.

Find this, I don't know what.

Give me a hint.

a branch like this has its own law of the genre, tomorrow no one will be interested, tomorrow will be tomorrow

you'd better spit it out

Mischek писал(а) >>

That's not the way to find I don't know what, give me a hint.

The thing is, the timing will actually be slightly different. And it's not about collisions or rubbing against the air, we've agreed not to take that into account.

Just think for yourself why it will be different, what other factors affect it. See you tomorrow.

Richie >>:

Дело в том, что на самом деле время будет несколько другим. И дело тут не в столкновениях и не в трении о воздух, мы договорились это не учитывать.

Просто подумайте сами, почему оно будет другим, какие ещё факторы на это влияют. До завтра.

The moon ?
Mischek писал(а) >>

>> the moon?

She is far away. Earth is closer :)

Richie >>:

Она далеко. Земля ближе :)

The earth is not round.

there are no more factors

Mischek писал(а) >>

The earth is not round.

there are no more factors.

Mischek, the "non-roundness" of the earth is small, far more important are things like pressure, density, temperature, etc.

I won't tell you any more. That's it. Bye.

Mischek >>:

Земля не круглая

нет больше факторов

more rotation - the Coriolis force will either accelerate or decelerate the brick depending on the direction

Richie >>:

Mischek, "Нешарообразность" земли невелика, куда большее значение имеют такие вещи как давление, плотность, температура и т.п.

больше подсказывать не буду. Всё. Пока.

Coriolis then. There's no one else to do it.