[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 360

The correct answer is 4 mm. Libraries usually have books standing upright and spines facing a person, with the top cover of the book on the right and the numbering of the volumes from left to right. If this is not specified in the problem, it is a typical case.
NTH писал(а) >>

There is no description in the conditions of the problem as to how the volumes are turned to each other, so it could be 44mm.

It is not obvious about the thickness of the cover either.


What makes an unsteady graph unsteady?

Another one:
Two brothers had a flock of rams. They sold it and got as many roubles for each sheep as there were heads in the flock. The proceeds were split in half. The older brother received a tenner, the younger one a tenner, and so on several times. Then the older brother took his tenner and the younger one ran out of a few rubles. Then the older one took a knife out of his pocket and gave it to his brother as compensation for the missing amount.
The question is, how much is the knife worth?
NTH >>:

А что делает нестационарный график - нестационарным?

why oil is oily ? if you answer that, then you will get the answer to your question
Mathemat писал(а) >>
Two old ladies walked from town A to town B and from town B to town A at the same time at dawn. At 12 o'clock they met up. Then they continued their journey. One reached her destination at 4 pm and the other at 9 pm.
Question: What time did it dawn on that day

If I solved the system of equations correctly, the grandmothers left at 6.00.

NTH писал(а) >>

What makes an unsteady graph unsteady?

I would call it a process. Randomness of traders' orders opening over time + unpredictability of lot sizes, if you can call it that.
Or again someone will say that it's not all random.
The solution, Richie?
NTH, start a branch, no one is stopping you from doing that. There will be more people willing to talk to you in a separate thread. And the answers won't dissipate in vain.
Mathemat писал(а) >>
Solution, Richie?

where X=12-t
t - time of the trip start
V1, V2 - speeds of grannies
L1, L2 - distances

Mathemat >>:
Правильный ответ - 4 мм. В библиотеках обычно книжки стоят стоймя и корешками к человеку, причем верхняя обложка книги - справа, а нумерация томов - слева направо. Если это не оговорено в задаче - значит, берем типичный случай.

No it isn't. The correct answer contains the word if. Programmers, on the other hand, are recruited by
1. if numbering is from left to right then 2 covers + 1 page (condition from and to)
2. if numbering is on the contrary then 44 mm - 1 page