[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 324

You will have to find or write a library of arithmetic operations with very large integers.
joo писал(а) >>

I'll try to work around this restriction without involving string variables.

You can also write the "super number" as a one-dimensional array, where each member of the array is a number sign.

For those interested, http://gmplib.org/ is the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library, considered to be the fastest in the world. The real-world limitations on the number of significant bits are unachievable (about 2^31 bits for 32-bit systems).
On the same page, you can check our identity (in Try GMP!): (-283059965)^3+(-2218888517)^3+(2220422932)^3 = 30. It's all accurate.


Можно уточнить условия - фокусник просает монетку, и а перед вами есть 100 лампочек-индикаторов, которые показывают что выпало - орел или решка, и известно что каждая лампочка показывает правду только один рад из 100 их показаний, какова вероятность того что больше половины лампочек-индикаторов покажут правду что выпало?


Can I have a report? :)) Hint - if there's an eagle and out of 100 light bulbs only one shows pavda, i.e. it's on, .... :) you have a strange way of counting... False - it does not mean anything but lies ... :)

SProgrammer >>:

Лож - это значит не что- угодно а лож... :)

Exactly. Accordingly, !false == true; ))

MetaDriver писал(а) >>

Exactly. Accordingly, !false == true; ))

If one out of 100 shows true, the others show false. If the eagle is on fire - then if the 99 show lies then they are not on fire. :))
SProgrammer >>:

Если одна из 100 показывает правду, то остальные показывают лож. Если орел это горит - то если 99 показывают лож то они не горят. :))

...and if I am familiar with these statistics, I will surely reverse these signals and play them correctly. Because I'm smart already. ))

MetaDriver писал(а) >>

...and if I am familiar with these statistics, I will surely reverse these signals and play them correctly. Because I'm smart already. ))

It's not about winning, it's about me not getting embarrassed. :))
Maybe counting... :)