[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 243

Mischek >>:

Наверно факт встречи они всёже могут констатировать

в ответе наверно движение по спирали, но это не математика

Doug that's why, a spiral movement is better than a zigzag movement ? )


No, no, this problem can still become mathematical (from calculus of variations), but it needs to be clarified.

And it is unlikely to be a minimum time task. It's more like a simple trajectory calculation.

MaStak, refine the problem to the point where it becomes explicit.

P.S. If they see each other, the shortest way is obvious: they must move towards each other.

But they also have to see each other. Another thing is that one of them may start moving in the wrong direction.

Mathemat >>:Скорее просто на вычисление траектории.

But, excuse me, how? After all the initial coordinates are arbitrary )

All you can put in the algorithm is the nature of the movement.

Mathemat >>:

Нет-нет, эта задача все равно может стать математической (из вариационного исчисления), но ее надо уточнить.

И вряд ли она будет задачей на минимальное время. Скорее просто на вычисление траектории.

Hardly a trajectory.

The only thing of interest is an algorithm to meet in minimal time.

And that's when the task is complete.

Mathemat >>:двигаться не туда.

Exactly !

Which is even worse after each other )))


They move towards the circle. Then fly away from it and move at the same speed. They move along radii.


And if one after the other, you still have to describe the trajectory. Where is the minimum time here? I don't understand what you need to find in the problem, that's all.


Both spiralling towards the centre

One clockwise, the other counterclockwise.

Either to the rendezvous

or to the centre

If the centre before - U-turn

Mathemat >>:

А если друг за другом - все равно надо описать траекторию. Где тут минимальность времени? Ну не понимаю я, что в задаче надо найти - и все.

Probably an algorithm for finding the shortest path to a meeting (aka the shortest time)
Mathemat >>:

А если друг за другом - все равно надо описать траекторию. Где тут минимальность времени? Ну не понимаю я, что в задаче надо найти - и все.

Therefore, I have tried to explicitly highlight the main points of contention in the questions

1 Question. Is it better to move both points or only one, i.e. both "searching" for each other or one "searching" for the other ? (speeds are the same)

2 Question. Is there a best trajectory of movement, a search ?