[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 248


How to find a black cat in a dark room

You have to go to the toilet at night - you're bound to step on it

Mathemat >>:

два орущих слепых

This is a forbidden technique ! Let there be deaf-mutes.

Don't get me wrong, I want to make the conditions of this problem as real as possible

Mischek >>:

Надо жесть убрать а интригу добавить

В комнате голые мальчик и девочка с завязанными глазами

All right, then.

with the gags from the sex shop.

Oh, man, this is getting ugly again.


What came out ...

There are 2 deaf-blind people in a large (D=20m) round room.

They had no rulers and had a bad memory.

But there was a great desire to meet as soon as possible.

They knew the probability of their meeting was negligible,

but still stubbornly kept circling the room looking for each other.

Determine the best trajectory for each of them.

Illustrations of some possible trajectories

MaStak писал(а) >>

What came out ...

In a large (D=20m) circular room there are 2 deaf-blind people.

They had no rulers and had a bad memory.

But they wanted to meet each other as soon as possible.

They knew the chances of their meeting were slim to none,

but still they persisted in circling the room, looking for each other.

Determine the best trajectory for each of them.

1. Towards the wall, then radially away from the wall at the same speed.

2. Towards the wall. One stands at the wall, the other walks along the wall.


Richie, they are not communicating in any way, so option 2 is definitely not going to work.

Option 1 doesn't work either, as they have no memory.


They probably have no winning strategy: their discretion is too great.

There is a much simpler problem to solve.

There are two people who can only move in a circle. Their speeds are different, but they don't know that either. The only device they have is a determinant of the distance between them in a straight line (along a chord). Each moves either backwards or forwards or stands. Can they meet?

Richie >>:

1. К стене, потом по радиусам от стены с одинаковой скоростью.

2. К стене. Один стоит у стены, другой идёт вдоль стены.

О! You're still awake.)

Yes, there are probably only two best options.

1. If you know the centre, then in the centre

2. Along the wall towards each other.

Mathemat >>:

так что вариант 2 точно не пройдет.

Why? They understand right and left, so they can move towards each other

Mathemat >>: Каждый двигается либо туда, либо обратно, либо стоит. Могут ли они встретиться?

Is it possible to determine the likelihood of their meeting?