[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 242

MaStak писал(а) >>
It is not clear to what extent :))) they will be on duty ? Till everyone is on duty ? or till the end of the month ?

MaStak, you weren't on duty, you're lucky :) KGB has a lot to do with it, you just don't know, but I won't mention it :)

Total - 4950 combinations of 2 mates.


Yes, but the trick is to add thirds to these combinations.

If you make up all 100*99/2 = 4950 pairs(Richie, the correct figure) and add thirds, the first addition already violates the condition of the problem.

P.S. So where is the proof?


An optimal solution problem.

There are 2 points, initial coordinates are arbitrary.

The problem is to move the points in a certain way to bring them together in one in minimal time.

1 Question. Is it better to move both points or only one, i.e. both "look for" each other or one "look for" the other ? (speeds are the same)

2 Question. Is there any best trajectory of movement, search ?


Those were the days :(

Work could be stabbed twice :) First, while on duty. The second was afterwards.


Apparently it's a parity task. The total number of choices for one man is 99 x 99 comrades = 891. And that's an odd number.


MaStak, that's not the right question. You need some conditions or restrictions on the nature of the movement.

If I, for example, assume that the dots are blind people who want to meet as soon as possible? Is that clearer?

No, it's not clearer. At each given moment, is the velocity of each point constant in modulo or not?

And second: did you come up with this problem yourself?

How can blind people purposefully meet if they have no way of controlling the movement of the other?

Mathemat >>:

Нет, не понятнее. В каждый заданный момент скорость каждой точки постоянна по модулю или нет?

И второе: Вы эту задачу сами придумали?

Как слепые могут целенаправленно встретиться, если у них нет никаких возможностей контролировать движение другого?

I guess they can still state the fact of the encounter

The answer is probably a spiral, but it's not maths.

Apparently the circle is here for a reason.

The speed of movement is constant.

How did you come up with that?) I had to solve it at work. Then I solved it as I thought it was the best solution.

Now I remember, I wanted to know if there was a better solution.