[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 200


Vladimirovich does not fly from Moscow to St Petersburg in a helicopter, but in a plane marked 'Russia'. The arrival airport is shut down for four hours. Question for the puzzle: why???? Only domestic flights are blocked off while international passengers have free access to the airport through an adjacent gate.


Personally, I have two answers: either Russian citizens are considered second-class citizens by their own authorities, or they're afraid that their own people will be whacked:)))

Swetten >>:

1. Бортач, как всегда, лишку в заначку списал :)

2. По теме: движение (вращение) Земли.

2. Do you think Coriolis is to blame?

1. :) that's more plausible!

MetaDriver >>:

2. Думаешь кориолис виноват?

1. :) вот это правдоподобнее!

the task is actually incorrect. The helicopter flies due to repulsion from the air, and if coriolis is to blame, then its effect on the route will be through the atmosphere. This, in turn, requires a difference in velocity of air relative to the surface (this is how cyclones and anticyclones are formed), but by the conditions of the problem the wind is the same everywhere. So, the rotation of the Earth is excluded from the list of possible causes, although implicitly, by the conditions of the problem. If the answer is coriolis, it is incorrect.


Then Ritchie will now claim that it is because of fuel production, even though the terms of the problem inexplicitly say otherwise.



This light bulb has been covered with an A3 roll of ordinary photocopier paper.

After that, this "lamp" shines much brighter, but the power consumption of the lamp has not changed.

Can you explain why this is the case?


The air temperature has dropped.

Swetten писал(а) >>

The temperature has dropped.

Absolutely correct answer. It flew back in winter.


Question: explain how a brass nail can be hammered into a diamond?

PS: the temperature of the nail and the diamond are the same.

Richie >>:

Вопрос: объясните, как можно в алмаз забить молотком латунный гвоздь?

PS: температура гвоздя и алмаза одинакова.

Yep. Sveta's going to kick you in the head for that blasphemy!


The final composition of the brass for the bodies of the three (?) Valtec series valves is taken as follows:
% (weight)581,870,180,40,150,120,20,8the rest

Brass can be conventionally assumed to consist of copper, zinc and a small amount of lead.

The temperature of diamond and nail, although the same, should probably be high. Which of these metals reacts with carbon or carbon dioxide at high temperature - I don't know. Probably zinc as the most reactive of the two (not counting Al, which is very small).