[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 31

Pascal's law has to do with statics, and does not apply to waves (or rather, it does, but partially, because waves are EXACTLY the same). Otherwise, we wouldn't hear anything at all. Pressure differences are propagated by waves - with or without mass transfer. For flies, the high pressure wave (due to a section of air HIGH to the fly with low pressure, the pressure difference is produced by the fly slicing its wings) - propagates DOWNwards, creates a lift force equal in magnitude to the fly's weight and directed against the earth's gravity. There is also a mass transfer and a constant flow of air DOWNwards, which then rises again along the box walls UPwards - to be sliced again by the fly wings into layers of high and low pressure. And down again.
Mathemat писал(а) >>

Once again, Richie: flies (they are small, quite small, they are not helicopters) according to Pascal's law (see my previous post above) will press on all walls of the plane equally. And there are a lot of them, tens of millions, so the statistics will correct all inhomogeneities. So they don't create any weight .

When they land, they will now be pressing on the scales. The plane will become a ton heavier.

Yes, the sum of the lifting forces of all the flies is about a tonne, and that force is strictly downwards, but it's distributed over all the walls: we don't have a pad, we have a gas.

They won't push in all directions equally, that's a misconception. Their total vector (its magnitude, i.e. the force) will be different from zero and will be directed downwards. It will only be directed upwards if the flies are lighter than air, i.e. fly without the use of wings. The gas in the vessel does not press in all directions equally, this is an illusion, any gas has weight.

joo писал(а) >>

The material is there. In the 60s, a rural botanist discovered a substance on the shell of beetles through which an anti-gravitational force is created by passing an electric current.He would not divulge the species of beetles, even on pain of death. What became of this botanist, history is silent, but there are eyewitnesses who saw him flogging above the vegetable garden on a board about one metre square.

Grebennikov Victor Stepanovich, who also invented the cavity effect. If anybody is interested, search on the Internet.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

flies (they're small, very small, they're not helicopters)

This is something new in physics. For flies some laws are small, for helicopters other laws are big. :-)

Mathemat wrote >>

And there are a lot of them, tens of millions, so statistics will correct all heterogeneities. So they do not create any weight .

When they land, they will now push on the scales. The plane will be a ton heavier.

Yes, the sum of the lifting forces of all the flies is roughly equal to a tonne, and that force is strictly downwards, But it is distributed over all the walls>> we don't have a platform, we have a gas.

Again about the statistics: https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/123519/page25#264333

The downward pressure of the flies does dissipate as a result of the air molecules colliding with each other. But momentum is transferred unchanged ! There is a law of conservation of momentum for this. Therefore, the pressure dissipation is not to the sides, but across the floor. You can't have a statistic so crudely. It can take offence.

AlexEro >>:
Закон Паскаля имеет отношение для статики, и не относится к волнам (точнее относится, но частично, волны ведь РАСХОДЯТСЯ). Иначе бы мы ничего не слышали вообще. Разница давлений распространяется волнами - с переносом массы, или без. Для мух волна высокого давления (за счёт участка воздуха ВЫШЕ МУХИ с низким давлением, разница давлений производится мухой нарезкой своими крыльями) - распространяется ВНИЗ, создаёт подъёмную силу, равную по величине весу мухи, и направленную против силы земного притяжения. Имеется также перенос массы и постоянный поток воздуха ВНИЗ, который затем опять поднимается вдоль стенок бокса ВВЕРХ - чтобы быть снова нарезанным мушиными крыльями на слои высокого и низкого давления. И снова вниз.

This is all true. But advancement has nothing to do with solving the problem. It makes no difference what method of levitation the flies use. What matters is at what point in time the scales will be measured.

Yurixx >>:

И что же тут тебе непонятно, дорогой ?

А на вопрос-то мой ты не ответил. Тяжело, видать ?

why did you attach jet engines to the flies' arses, which, to lift the flies, have to push them down?

I wonder if we opened the door, with the flies buzzing - what would happen to the weight? Would it drop by a ton??????

Yurixx >>:

Это что-то новое в физике. Для мух одни законы - маленькие, для вертолетов - другие, большие. :-)

Еще раз про статистику: https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/123519/page25#264333

Давление мух вниз действительно рассеивается в результате столкновений молекул воздуха между собой. Но импульс передается без изменений ! Для этого есть закон сохранения импульса. Поэтому рассеяние давления происходит не в стороны, а по всему полу. Нельзя же так грубо иметь статистику. Она может обидеться.

and to the side presses???? and to the ceiling???????

Mathemat >>:

Dangerous branch you've started, Alexei.)

Yurixx >>:

Алексей, ты наверное проскочил мимо одного моего поста, а он как раз в тему этого закона:


No, Yuri, he didn't, I saw him. Well, I've already written it.

I wonder if you had a different one somewhere around here: a column of air that presses an entire atmosphere from above - where is that coming from? Is it the weight of the molecules above you? No. It's the pressure created by the air pressing everywhere and in all directions.

Another illustration: if you push a piston down inside a vessel of water, that vessel can let it flow anywhere, not directly down below the piston.

There is no way to deal with Pascal's law here - it is a pure classic, it is not applicable to hydroaerodynamics. Besides in this law it is about external pressure on volume, for example - piston on gas in the chamber.

Well, let it not apply, OK. And why isn't the fly an external force? A real external force.

That doesn't change the fact that if you squeeze it somewhere inside the gas (with a wing), it will affect all the walls at once.

Farnsworth писал(а) >>

why did you attach jet engines to the flies' arses, which, to lift the flies, have to push them down?

I wonder if we opened the door, with the flies buzzing - what would happen to the weight? Would it drop a ton??????

I get it, Sergei. Turns out you're the goblin. You should have just said so.