[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 30


Yurixx писал(а) >>

Sergei, I thought you were joking, but you really... Well, that's a waaaayyyyyyyy.

If the question were a little more complicated, of course, I would have tried to explain it in other ways, to make it clear. But here it's kind of embarrassing to have to explain that 2x2=4.

I especially liked the one about the plane and the 20t. I will say nothing more, you just answer me, a plane of 20t, what lifting force it needs to create to fly, what acts on it with this force and what it acts on itself with a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction?

Well, that's just!!!!!! Oh, come on! To quote your favourite:

And flies (all of them!), wherever they fly, all the time interact with the air, all the time they press on it sneakily, and all in the same direction - downwards.

So that would create lift, the flies are pressing down on you? And to keep the weight down, they're all pushing one tonne? Yuri - amazing! You give me hope that you'll be the first to invent UFOs.


Or here's another one:

Алексей, а ты стоял когда-нибудь под работающим винтом вертолета. А позади винтового самолета с запущенными двигателями ?

Yuri, were you pressed for 20 grand? You poor thing...


And what is it that you don't understand, dear?

You haven't answered my question. Is it hard?

And who is to say that the fly pressure is the same on all sides of the aircraft's hull. The force will still be directed downwards. And it will be the same with air molecules.
Mathemat >>:

Archimedes' force will not change in relation to the whole system (the container), as its volume does not change, and hence the weight of the container will not change from liquefying the flies and precipitating them out.

Again. There are typical misconceptions when confusing the concepts of the mechanics sections of statics and dynamics.

By the way, the UFO question is very interesting. Attempts to create an anti-gravity engine have been made for a long time. It is theoretically possible, but there are no materials to implement it yet.

Once again, Richie: the flies (they are small, quite small, they are not helicopters) according to Pascal's law (see my previous post above) will press on all the walls of the plane equally. And there are a lot of them, tens of millions, so the statistics will correct all inhomogeneities. So, they don't create any weight .

When they land, they will now be pushing on the scales. The plane will become a ton heavier.

Yes, the sum of lifting forces of all flies is approximately equal to a ton, and this force is directed strictly downwards, but it is distributed over all walls: we have a gas, not a platform.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Alexei, for you, my post is the last one on the previous page.

joo писал(а) >>

Archimedes' force will not change in relation to the whole system (container), as its volume does not change, and therefore the weight of the container will not change from liquefying the flies and precipitating them.

The water in the air and carbon dioxide (dry ice) will precipitate out.

Richie >>:
Кстати, вопрос про НЛО очень интересный. Попытки создать антигравитационный двигатель предпринимаются давно. Теоретически он возможен, однако материалов для осуществления этого пока нет.

The material is there. In the 60s, a rural botanist discovered a substance on the carapace of beetles through which an anti-gravitational force is generated by passing an electric current.He would not disclose the species of beetles, even on pain of death. History is silent as to what became of this botanist, but there are eyewitnesses who saw him in his lifetime flogging above the vegetable garden on a board about one metre square.