Classical analysis 'doesn't work'? - page 4


I think the whole ... ( and I still don't know what everyone means by that) :) "classical analysis" has always been bullshit. Head and shoulders.... :) funny associations, probably invented to teach the illiterate and dumbass bio-robots of the ancient ages. :) And I also think TA doesn't work - or rather the extent to which it is usually meant. :) They fold their mashkas and are happy to see the "signals" there. :)

I could be wrong! Yeah, I'm probably wrong. Well, the experts will correct me if anything.



The picture is not very convincing, but I'm sure Helen has something serious in store. The picture is not very convincing, but I'm sure Helen has something more serious in her stash. Let's consider the subject closed.


SProgrammer, you won't have time to drain everything, you'll be burned at the stake before then :)

Everything works. The only question is how well it works. What's published in millions of copies just doesn't work well.

or rather doesn't work at all. There are only three options left:


1. To come up with something original, unknown to clever people;

2. Be content with a miserable percentage of the Bollinger Band, figuratively speaking;

3. To take everything, put it together and turn it all inside out, pitting yourself and your creation against everyone and everything.


Money is just an idea. You want to have more money, just change your way of thinking.


:) Well, as long as I'm doing 98% honestly. :)

I don't think anything's working. :) That's the fundamental difference. :)

Mathemat >>:

Ну вроде все понятно: стратегия на основе "классики" не формализуема, но прибыльно работать по ней можно. Картинка не очень убедительна, но, уверен, у Helen есть в заначке что-нибудь более серьезное. Будем считать, что тема закрыта.

There's nothing to swear about at all. :)

Itso писал(а) >>....

If the strategy cannot be formalised, then you have no strategy.

Strongly stated. The same could be said for Williams, DeMark, etc., etc. Everyone has published something out there... of trading techniques... Has anyone published their trading strategy? Stingy? Hiding it so enemies don't get their hands on it? How can you describe, publish, show in a fixed form, something that is constantly changing and never takes shape? And trading tricks - no problem!

Helen >>:

Сильно сказано. То же самое можно сказать и Вильямсу, и ДеМарку и т.д., и т.д. Каждый опубликовал что-то там... из торговых приёмов... Кто-нибудь опубликовал свою торговую стратегию? Жлобятся? Скрывают, чтоб врагам не досталось?... Как можно описать, опубликовать - показать в застывшей форме, то, что постоянно изменяется и никогда не принимает формы? А торговые приёмы - да нет проблем!

IMHO - Right, absolutely right!


Helen писал(а) >>

So why doesn't classical analysis "work"?

Nothing works in the wrong hands. Bad dancers get their balls in the way.

Helen писал(а) >>

Strongly stated. The same could be said for Williams and DeMark, etc., etc. Each has published something out there... of trading techniques... Has anyone published their trading strategy? Stingy? Hiding it so enemies don't get their hands on it? How can you describe, publish, show in a fixed form, something that is constantly changing and never takes shape? And trading tricks - no problem!

No normal person would have the brain to publish something that makes good dough. Their books are just the product of a desire to show off.


I suspect that my comment about the death of classical analysis in the next thread prompted Helen to rush to CTA's defence. If so, I only meant that TA does not allow for long-range predictions with a tolerable probability. And those colourful pictures, which are created on the basis of TA and supposedly are forecasts, have no sense, though they come true from time to time.

And here is the classics: If PAMM is profitable, he takes a bow, if it is losing, then with the finger on the trainee.

The meaning of the trainee on PAMM is completely unclear.