Classical analysis 'doesn't work'? - page 24

leman >>:

Если есть спрос, то будет предложение. Закон жизни

well, what law is that? Perhaps the law of supply and demand and the equilibrium price. But it is a general economic law. what does it have to do with TA?
NiKkel >>:

ну какой же это закон? Возможно, закон спроса и предложения и равновесная цена. Но это общеэкономический закон. причем тут ТА?

Do you think the market is outside the economy?

Tantrik >>:

Пускай вы правы! Почему они все лженауки?

Because they are in no way confirmed by experience.

Tantrik >>:

Пускай вы правы! Почему они все лженауки?

"A theory that does not provide a set of conditions under which it would be considered wrong should be called quackery - they would be impossible to reject otherwise. Why? Because an astrologer can always find a reason to adjust to a past event by saying that Mars was probably on the line, but not for too long (similarly, to me, a trader who has no point that would make him change his mind is not a trader)."

Nassim Taleb.
Physics is a science. It has laws. Newton's laws, for example. It gives a set of conditions - if those laws can't explain the movement of planets, then physics is quackery. The laws were explained, with few exceptions. The theory of relativity came along to explain those exceptions, etc.
physics as a science exists, paradigms change - laws don't disappear, laws are supplemented.

In TA there are not at least any stable regularities, let alone laws. Pseudoscience.
leman >>:

А Вы считаете что рынок вне экономики?

the market in the economy. What does this have to do with TA?
Tantrik >>:

Читал! Церковь говорит...

The Church says a lot of things.

The only way to avoid resonance is to go elsewhere on the planet where the effects of planetary aspects have already passed or have not yet occurred.

Tantrik >>:

Зачем спорить? Вы незнаете... он незнает... Может быть есть... Если вы незнаете то нет?

It could be anything - maybe we all don't exist at all, maybe we all exist in a matrix, maybe I am a schizophrenic lying in a coma for 40 years in hospital and all this is forex, this forum is a product of my sick mind, etc. ))))))
but i analyze it and i say pseudoscience
Tantrik >>:

Неправильный ответ. или частичный... они так и остануться лженауками почему?

I wrote - there are no conditions under which they can be proven true
NiKkel >>:
ТА - лженаука
классический ТА - лженаука и лжетеория
постклассический ТА - тоже лженаука и лжетеория

P.S. неоклассический ТА - еще более лженаука и лжетеория

астрология, ТА, френология, алхимия, нумерология

OK. If it makes you feel more comfortable, then consider that there is no TA, but mathematical, statistical methods of evaluation in general. They are simply applied to a specific time series - quotes.

TA and its indicators are just standard and not quite mathematical analytical tools, gauges.

If you have built SMA - the same as mathematical expectation, or calculated RMS - standard deviation, mathematical statistics and tervers will not become pseudoscience from this. And so on.

If you have decided that such and such indicator reading is suitable for performing a deal on the market, then this is your decision. And this refers to strategy, to TS, but not to TA.

It is like if you start to blame the thermometer after drinking aspirin instead of aspirin.

In short, do not confuse analysis (TA) and decision making (your TS).


I wonder if this "TA doesn't work!!!", "TA is pseudoscience", etc. bullshit will ever end? "Oh, I don't know, oh, I'm not sure..." )))

Tantrik >>:

Лучше в церковь(мечеть) сходите... Вот это вот про резонанс это что?

I don't understand the question.

Do you naively think that going to church (mosque) will change your life for the better?