Classical analysis 'doesn't work'? - page 34

Tantrik >>:

А вы знаете есть такая болезнь и с годами она развиваеться - тщеславие. Деньги у них есть надо славы, в историю войти.

and what vanity?!
I don't remember such a member of FORBES 100 richest people in the world
I've seen Buffett, not him.
Buffett is silent about his method.
Svinozavr >>:

Так я не мессионер, чтоб обращать. Хотите мотивацию - читайте - там чел объясняет. Чего вы зациклились на своем нигилизме? Ищите оправдания своим неудачам в торговле?

Svinozavr >>:

Так я не мессионер, чтоб обращать. Хотите мотивацию - читайте - там чел объясняет. Чего вы зациклились на своем нигилизме? Ищите оправдания своим неудачам в торговле?

Your argument was that there is value because there is a lot of writing about TA.
I answered.
in this market - a thought is a lie
He who says - does not know, he who knows - does not say.
NiKkel >>:

был ваш аргумент - есть толк, потому что про ТА много пишут

? What kind of argument is that? They just write a lot, that's all. I didn't make any argument.
I replied.
in this market - a spoken thought is a lie
he who speaks does not know, he who knows does not speak.

Well, I'll add - no hard feelings, OK?

There are those who both know and speak, but it doesn't mean anything, and there are also those who cannot hear or understand what they are told because they are convinced that there are no such people who know and speak. Or simply unable to perceive.

So I have not argued with anyone for a long time and I am not trying (all the more so!) to convince. I do not go with you (with them) in intelligence, I do not give money in management. The depths of other people's delusions do not touch me much.

Svinozavr >>:

? Что ж это за аргумент? Просто пишут много и все... Я ничего этим не аргументировал.

Ну, так добавлю - только без обид, ок?

Есть те, кто и знает, и говорит, но это ничего не значит, так есть и те, кто не слышит и не понимает, что ему говорят, так как убежден, что таковых знающих и говорящих не бывает. Или просто неспособен воспринимать...

Так что я давно ни с кем не спорю и не пытаюсь (тем более!) убедить. Мне с вами (с ними) в разведку не идти, денег в управление не давать. Глубина чужих заблуждений меня мало трогает.

It's okay.
But I have to say that TA is a faith-based religion.
NiKkel >>:

все ок
но вынужден констатировать, что ТА - религия основанная на вере

More precisely, the use of TA. Yes, of course, on faith. Just like everything else. The same doctor, when prescribing a course, believes it will help. You can believe that if you move at 60 km/h (speedometer), you will travel 10 km in 10 minutes. It's impossible to know both for sure.

No one can know anything. So I'll say it again. TA and its use is not fundamentally different from all other analytical forecasting. Another thing is that forecasting in markets is much more thankless than in most other applications. If you are wrong about, say, the weather, that's fine, it happens to everybody. Or the patient is dead - it's a rare case. On the market...))

Okay. I guess I have nothing more to add. As they say "peace to your May and good luck in your work" (C). And with nihilism, in my opinion, you are too much. You don't have to believe anyone, but you also don't have to believe that you cannot believe anyone (or anything). )))

"in god we trust" is written on every dollar ))))
Joker >>:
"in god we trust" - надпись на каждом долларе )))

)))!!! By the way - yes!


NiKkel >>:

все ок
но вынужден констатировать, что ТА - религия основанная на вере

They come up with all sorts of bullshit to avoid going to the potatoes!

"TA is a faith-based religion" - imho TA is just an attempt to bend the odds in its favour, like "get in on time", "get in that way" and "get out on time".
Nothing more!
None of the indices work 100%, no 3 Elder screens, no Williams Profitunity, no super-wizard neuronet will give you a guarantee of winning. Statistical advantage - YES and "maybe".