Classical analysis 'doesn't work'? - page 13

Helen >>:

Другой вопрос, что кто-то видит эти строки, а кто-то считает их опубликованной чушью или запутанной абракадаброй... Честно говоря загадка... Нет, ничего не говорю, конечно, что бы увидеть очевидно там написанное тоже надо быть готовым. Может быть даже самому трейдеру прийти к выводам, изложенным в книге... чтобы их увидеть(!).

People usually try to read the secret between the lines, so they ignore everything that is written in clear and understandable language right in front of their noses.

RomanS писал(а) >>

It comes to mind... we used to argue for Elliott.... :))

Roman, explain, please. It's not very clear what was meant... Where's Livermore and where's Elliott...

Helen >>:

Роман, поясни, плз. Не очень понятно, что имелось ввиду... Где Ливермор, и где Эллиот...

No .... The emphasis I put on what you said.

Some people see those lines and some people think they're published nonsense.

Never mind... it just comes to mind...

PS. Thanks for not adding an "S" to my name at the end :))

It's just that you're not an Elliott supporter (to put it mildly :))
Helen писал(а) >>

It's another matter that some see these lines and some think they are published nonsense or confusing gibberish... Frankly, it's a mystery... No, I'm not saying anything, of course one has to be prepared to see what is obviously written there too. Maybe even the trader himself to come to the conclusions stated in the book... to see them(!).

Please explain to me why there is a need to publish books in millions of copies that outline what supposedly works.

Let's assume that the same 5% of traders who "pour in", read these books and "learned them by heart", trade using exactly

these techniques. This alone indicates that these techniques cannot be used by the remaining 95%.

And what exactly did Livermore offer the public? The truth? We all know it.

Helen >>:

чтобы их увидеть(!).

Visual illusions and phenomena


VictorArt, nothing funny, by the way. Illusions and phenomena - there are plenty of them on the forex market. I have studied a lot of such "stuff" in my time,

Now I'm studying the illusions of Forex.

Richie >>:

VictorArt, ничего смешного, кстати. Иллюзии и феномены - их на форексе огромное количество. Я в своё время много таких "штучек" изучил,

теперь вот изучаю иллюзии форекса.

I didn't say it was funny.

Man is a total "glitch". It has to be handled calmly and pragmatically.

Pay particular attention to the section "image recognition" - it has a direct bearing on so-called Technical Analysis (TA).

RomanS писал(а) >>

No .... The emphasis I put on what you said.

Read it for all it's worth. some people see those lines and some people think they're published nonsense.

PS. Thank you for not adding an "S" to my name at the end :))

You added it to your name and I just forgot to put it in :) .

The reference to my words is off-topic. Let me explain. It's simple...

Livermore is a real trader who knows what he has done in the market and knows the essence of market movements. His observations, which he shares, are unique - a hundred years later we see the same thing in the market.

Is Elliott a real trader? I've never heard of such a great one. Discovered the wave "theory"... I get it... up, down, up... may or may not go, it's a matter of watching... let alone trade. It's not hard to be convinced of the irrelevance of the "doctrine". You can read a faithful follower of Wozny, but only to cheer you up. Who else is to be remembered... Well, let's not mention the local crook... Well, probably the wave of firing of the "wave-people" in the fall of 2008... strictly according to the wave "theory": hire-a-hire (on their confident beliefs)/ fire-a-hire (on the facts of their own stupidity for believing their confident beliefs). It will be the same from here on. The wave-people will manage to convince the employers of the indestructibility of the wave "theory", then mass dismissals of "wave-people" again will follow... This is what "Elliott Wave Theory" is all about.

A simple question... Where, who trades on this "theory"? Also... Why are the "wave-people" always on the lookout for analyst positions? Why don't they trade with their own funds? Why, if they do trade, then... not according to wave "theory" (examples are widely known)?

There is simply no ground for thinking in such an interesting "theory". And on no, as you know...

Richie писал(а) >>

Please explain to me why there is a need to publish books in millions of copies that outline what supposedly works.

Let's assume that the same 5% of traders who "pour in", read these books and "learnt them by heart", trade using exactly

these techniques. This by itself alone already suggests that these techniques cannot be used by the remaining 95%.

And what exactly did Livermore offer the public? The truth? Well, we all know it.

Your emphasis on the word "technique"... I don't know how to answer you within the confines of a post. I'm sorry, I really don't. And just trust me, Livermore's books have everything for successful trading. Techniques, though, no... Just little examples of explaining the big one. Like many other authors, in general.