What is it? - page 16

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Well, I haven't figured it out yet myself. I should probably try to do something myself to get a feel for your idea. And once I get a feel for it, maybe I'll come up with some new ideas.

There is no idea. Platitudes...

I don't like to burden people. Serious people, even more so. That's why I suggest this way of looking at the situation:

Which way the boy will pull the rubber band with the stone inserted to a certain elasticity and when exactly it will happen, we don't know.

But here he is, pulling it on and fixing it. (end of the first series... in a thousand throws, Red=600, system deflected off centre, balance of masses)

And so, asshole, holds the tension and catches the target with his eyes. (For a while there is a wobble, a fluctuation in the point = -100 or +100 )

Time goes by. The boy's hand is already trembling. What happens next??? Will it let go? Or will it drag on just as long?

But now the target is found (better a light bulb than a bird), and our tough guy with the last bit of strength strengthens the tension even more ( another ~ 5mm) and lets go.

So what is more likely after the first series? If by analogy?

Avals писал(а) >>

If forgotten, already happened, the probability of it happening again is the same as before the first test. And before the first test, the probability of getting 600/400 twice is different - equal to the square of the probability of getting 600/400 once. They are simply different events.

I don't keep mentioning it for nothing:

Create a new object - a system of events (e.g. roulette).

This seems to me to be very important. In the universe everything has a Beginning -> Development -> End.

lasso >>:

Да нет никакой идеи. Банальность...

Если по аналогии?

Paradoxes received?


The answer to the first question is there.

lasso писал(а) >>

I don't mention it all the time for nothing:

I think this is very important. In the universe, everything has a Beginning -> Development -> End.

Probability theory is an abstract science. There is a premise of independence, there is a definition of probability, there is a Bernoulli scheme. The frequency of an event converges to probability in the limit of infinity. So there is no end in sight :)

In reality, these abstract conditions are almost nowhere to be found. And we have no probability at all, there is a frequency of an event calculated on a certain number of trials. It (probability) as well as other abstract concepts do not exist in nature - it is a creation of science to build theories.

This does not mean that TV is useless - it is the basis of e.g. mathematical statistics, which has practical applications. But you have to be able to apply it and know what is what.

Therefore it is useless to include everyday logic and philosophy to TV. It is an abstract basis only.

Avals писал(а) >>

Probability theory is an abstract science.

Are professors and academics on TV abstract, too? When anyone tells you that you can't win at roulette! But it is real, and there are no virtual chips.

Probability theory is undoubtedly a big, important and necessary science. So let it explain the problem (my situation) to me.

Candid писал(а) >>

Yes, that's right, I got confused about n, it's the root of n. I don't know what you're talking about, but the lasso example is about the process :).

He has a mistake, expectation after the second series will not be 1000 by 1000 but 1100 by 900. He also seems to confuse probability of getting 1000 after 2000 trials and full probability of two unlikely series of 1000 trials in a row ( A1 && B2 ).


After 2nd series n = 2000 A3 = A1 && A2 = {(600K, 400Ch in series 1) AND (600K, 400Ch in series 2)}.......... .................................................................................

..................................................................................... MO=1100 Disp= 2000*0.5*0.5 RMS=22.36 3*SCO = 67.08 Deviation(A3)=(1200-1100)/22.36=4.47

Candid, thank you for answering with figures and examples, it's easier to understand each other)). I have answered you:

After the 1st series n = 1000 ......... MO=500

After 2nd series n = 2000 ......... MO=1000

i.e. MO=n*p, where p=q=0.5

How you got MO=1100 I don't understand (

lasso >>:

Как у Вас получилось МО=1100 не понимаю ((

After the first series you have already had 600 events. The expectation for the next series is 500. 600 + 500 = 1100.

P.S. You see, once you have won the lottery, you don't care what the probability was.

avatara писал(а) >> The answer to the first question is there.

Got it. Thank you. Specify to which first one? I have so many of them..........

Candid писал(а) >>

After the first series you have already had 600 events. The expectation for the next series is 500. 600 + 500 = 1100.

P.S. You see, after you have won the lottery, you do not care what the probability was.

Now I do. But where does it come from? Where does this knowledge lie?

I've never once heard that the mathematical expectation depends on the quantitative value of any series within a complete sequence of n independent trials.


The expectation is the average of all possible options. If you say that you are only interested in options when after the first 1000 was 600, you make options that do not pass through this point impossible. The MO changes accordingly.

And where it lies, I don't remember anymore, it was a long time ago :)