Spread trading in Meta Trader - page 129

sayfuji >>:
Работайте на товарных рынках иной направленности.

Can I have specific examples of tool pairs?

Alex5757000 >>:

Можно конкретные примеры пар инструментов?

The most obvious and simplest examples are.
See in the pump (cereals ZW & ZC).
Or, - See seasonal chart (bottom window) of soybeans ZS & ZM:

Another example:
The price lines of all those grain instruments:

rid >>:

Самые очевидные и простейшие примеры -
См. в закачке (зерновые ZW & ZC).
Либо, - см. сезонный график (нижнее окно) соевых ZS & ZM :

it's seasonally adjusted.
we're arguing about spreads that can be traded at any time
and another thing, stop showing the spreads you can trade in the last 2 days
you show for a year at least (although by and large even a year is not enough)

rid >>:

И ведь развернулся! Да ещё как!


That's - well - lucky! -
Everything happened as the seasonal trend suggested.
However, this year the upward movement of the ZN/ZB spread was a little late (by 3-4 days), but the drawdown was bearable and I'm sitting pretty well now on this "duo" !
By the way, did you get the link to a good resource? - I sent it to you in person three days ago?
rid >>:
Ну прям - уж, - повезло! -
Всё произошло так, как предполагала сезонная тенденция.
Правда в этом году движение вверх спреда ZN/ZB немножко запоздало (на 3-4 дня), но просадка была терпимая и я оч. неплохо сейчас сижу по этому "дуэту" !
Ты, кстати, ссыль -то получил на неплохой ресурс? - я тебе в личку дня три назад отправил?

inbox empty.........

knt-kmrd >>:

и ещё rid,хватит показывать возможности торговли спредами за последние 2 дня
ты хотя бы за год покажи (хотя по большому счету даже за год мало)

In a year, what's that? Can't you at least take six months?
What do you mean by showing an opportunity?
Didn't I show you the possibility when I posted a copy of my real account for one month using this method?

forex-k >>:

в личке пусто.........

That's weird. Look again.
rid >>:

За год это как ? Может хоть за полгода возьмешь ?
Как это - показать возможность ?

I understand it's hard to show a year, you either have to stitch together the quotes or look at each month separately
Well never mind, don't bother, I'll check it myself when I have time
Besides, I'm not denying the possibility of earning on spreads in general.
I'm just saying that in many cases people are trading a synthetic instrument which has no advantage
compared to trading a regular currency cross.
i've been wanting to ask you for a long time how you calculate the lot size of open positions?