A quick and free library for MT4, much to the delight of neuralnetworkers - page 35


"I managed to get about 70% profitable trades on 10% OSS" - what is OSS?


"I managed to get about 70% of profitable trades at 10% OSS" - what is OSS?

forward (forward) test, outside the optimization period. Suppose 1 Jan. 2010 - 1 November 2010 - 10-month optimization period; 2 November 2010 - 2 Dec. 2010 - 1 month - 10 % forward (OOS). % - you are the forward test

should (according to the books) be no more than 20-25% of the optimisation period...

If the topic is still alive and someone has found something worthwhile in it, share it very interesting to see the results, thank you in advance. In the meantime, for me it is just your gibberish and nothing in your free library
If the topic is still alive and someone has found something worth sharing, it is interesting to see the results, thanks in advance. As for now, for me, it's just your babble and there is nothing in your free library

If you have found/earned enough, declare your willingness to share and perhaps someone will be willing to share with you - and you'll get results ....

And the examples posted here + articles are enough to understand that 1:

1. The free library works

2. its use produces a result.

3. How stable the result is depends on the master, not the library - one can build a palace out of a pile of bricks, while the other can't even make a decent barrack .....

"A pile of bricks" was given to you free of charge, along with a conceptual design... You want someone else's palace, with a location or at least the final design... That in itself costs a lot..... And without your declaration of willingness to share your earnings, your post reads like chit-chat with begging and testing "for power".

If you declare that you only want to look at the result (the state), you're in a mess ;) : the comparison of stats with and without filtering is in the article - deal with it.


forward (forward) test, outside the optimisation period. Suppose 1 Jan. 2010 - 1 November 2010 - 10-month optimization period; 2 November 2010 - 2 Dec. 2010 - 1 month - 10 % forward (OOS). % - you are the forward test

should (according to the books) be no more than 20-25% of the optimisation period...

Thanks, I made a typo. Not OSS, but OOS -out of sample, of course, that is, outside the training sample.
Thank you, I made a mistake. Not OSS, but OOS -out of sample, of course, that is, outside the training sample.

You're welcome :-))) I automatically read it as OOS, if you hadn't typed it yourself, no one would have noticed the typo :-)))

In principle, it's clear what we're talking about...


If you have found/earned enough, declare your willingness to share and perhaps someone will be willing to share with you - and you will get results ....

And the examples posted here + articles are enough to understand that 1:

1. The free library works

2. its use produces a result.

3. How stable the result is depends on the master, not the library - one can build a palace out of a pile of bricks, while the other can't even make a decent barrack .....

"A pile of bricks" was given to you free of charge, along with a conceptual design... You want someone else's palace, with a location or at least the final design... That in itself costs a lot..... And without your declaration of willingness to share your earnings, your post reads like chit-chat with begging and testing "for power".

If you declare that you only want to look at the result (the state), you're in a mess ;) : the comparison of stats with and without filtering is in the article - deal with it.

I completely agree with you. 2 5drakon - your post reads like chattering and baiting.

Thanks for the answers, everyone:)))

5drakon, and you reread the whole branch and see what useful for yourself, maybe that will deduce, before writing in this thread, I read it all the way through, I understand half (but that's another issue). Download, popti, test the demo (my report for a fortnight hanging, with comments, on the last page). Reading the thread can save a lot of time, rather than running through it superficially, and saying "give ah" on the last page ....... no offence. I asked the most basic questions here, because I'm a non-programmer, everything has been explained to me, so whoever reads the last 10 pages, I think he will understand.


I've attached a file that might be useful, it's on optimisation, I can't remember where I downloaded it, but it's quite clear and correct, accessible, without any arcane speeches. It's about 25% there too. Although I think you still have similar instructions for a long time, but just in case.

It's not attached. Attach it. I'd love to read it.

Here you go, it's ready, it doesn't want to load the RAR archive, but the zip is easy:))))

wuzfdmjxxpy.zip  789 kb