Doubling your deposit with martingale in three days - a reality? - page 10

Reshetov >> :

Oh, come on! Is this your first time?

If three days go by and the depo doesn't double in time, then it's really a party.

We're not gloating. Colleagues in misfortune, after all. Personally, I'd be only too happy if it all worked out.

granit77 >> :

I didn't. And I won't. It's just interesting to read his ideas, and I wonder how the test will end. Doesn't mean I always agree with him.

Victor. Can you at least tell me what the "plot" is?

Doubling/merging on a martin is a big deal. What's there to observe?

Svinozavr >> :

Victor. Can you at least tell me what the 'plot' is?

Doubling down on a martin is a big deal. What's there to see?

No one knows. I'm waiting for him to tell me. :))

In fact, Reshetov impresses me by his spontaneity and constant search, I don't care which direction. He is a creative person.

granit77 >> :

So no one knows. I'm waiting to see if they do. :))

Actually Reshetov appeals to me by his directness and constant search, it does not matter in what direction. He's a creative person.

Yeah. Impressive. Though in this case, it's more of an intrigue.


Maybe it's all so that as soon as the subjammer loses the account, everyone has a simple and persistent attitude: Martin is evil.

Of course it is! Reshetov himself couldn't...))

And if he does not? Then it is quite unclear - 3 days do not mean anything.


Reshetov! Don't get tired already! What did you want to show in 3 (three!) days?

Reshetov >> :

I'm not going to say anything as I'm testing the TS and it's clearly not a good day for it. But as they say, hard in the training is easy in the fight.

Yeah, my system lost almost 3.5% of my startup deposit today.

tomorrow it'll be back to square one with a profit.

keekkenen >> :

Yeah, it's been quite a day, my system has lost almost 3.5% of the startup deposit today...

tomorrow everything will be back on track with profits...

No, today was a great day for martin trading. On EURUSD after every 50 pips pullback was at least 50-60%, which is a good situation for a Martin. GBP is a little bit worse, but it's also good. So, if you have problems today, how would you trade if the market went into a reverse trend of 300 pips - and it happens often... And today is an angelic market...

and it's a ridiculous goal to double in 3 days...

...why not triple??

I personally have nothing against martin as I use it myself. But such goals in three days are the ravings of a sick soul. And even if you double it, it won't tell you anything, because I know 100% from experience that at this kind of risk with a martin, you're bound to lose.


stop this nonsense about rollbacks of 50%, you only see it on history, in reality you can't tell in advance...


We need a goal, we need a goal.

I think the spectators won't mind if the depot doubles in a week or two.

Mischek >> :

Who hasn't kicked Reshetov yet?

It's an ogre's feast.

>> whatever you think of Martin, you can be a little more respectful of Reshetov.

I'm more interested in who Reshetov hasn't kicked yet :)
Svinozavr >> :

To double/lose on a martin is a big deal.

I totally agree.

Reliable statistics start with 100 experiments. What good is one experiment? No point - the result could be anything.

If Jura had collected the statistics, processed them and put the result up for discussion (or made it a goal)... That would be a valid study!

But, even in this case there is no subject to study. The matter is that Martin, as a special case of MM, can only improve operation of TS with positive MO and bring closer the inevitable end for TS with MO<0. It is the whole power and intrigue, not in MM, and moreover in such a perverted form as Martingale.

P.S. Peter, I'm coming back to comparison of Forex market with Stock market in my mind. It seems to be an established fact (for me), that at Forex the price of an instrument is made not by speculators, but by large financial institutions (for this purpose it is enough to analyse behaviour of currency indexes). Hence all the problems with trying to predict the expected movement - at Forex the average yield is almost always drowned in commissions. But on the Fund it is possible to expect a normal pricing process - where there are "herd effects" and "the trend is more likely to continue than reverse" etc. However, as you said, there is no normal platform to work with. I wonder if Omega, for example, is a bad platform for building MTS?