It's impossible to make money on Forox!!! - page 20

IlyaA >> :
Dear C-4 what is your opinion about Buffett and his statement about thechanalysis?

You shouldn't discuss Buffett's statements about thehanalysis in the context of forex or stock market. He has very different approaches and conditions, there is no way to adapt the markets' thechanalysis. He has his own thechanalysis that analyses completely different things.

C-4 >> :

Here is a graph of the SB. As you can see on it you can see any of the technical analysis patterns. Just my advice to you (especially beginners), don't get carried away with this nonsense. People who are familiar with mathematics but have no basic understanding of economics usually like to rant about it. Random walk is contrary to economic theory, in particular the law of supply and demand.

Yes, you are 100% right. The economic interests of market actors cannot be random.
Techanalysis can help someone to see the implications of Buffett's actions. And that someone is definitely not Buffett.))
Mischek писал(а) >>

That's me!!! How did you get my picture?


Buffet is an investor, not a trader. The trader's job is to buy cheap to sell expensive, or to sell expensive and buy cheap. The investor's task is different. The investor uses the law of growth. This is a comprehensive law. A planted tree must grow, a child must mature, the stock market must capitalize. Buffet, with his superior investing instincts, was able to pick out of hundreds of companies the real champions of the future. He did not make a wrong choice. I think that an investor's choice should not be based (at least completely) on technical analysis.

The topic of technical analysis is very multifaceted, so it is worth talking about separately.

C-4 >> :

The subject of tech analysis is very versatile so it is worth talking about separately.

>> OK. Some other time in another thread :)
C-4 >> :

Buffet is an investor, not a trader. The trader's job is to buy cheap to sell expensive, or to sell expensive and buy cheap. The investor's task is different. The investor uses the law of growth. This is a comprehensive law. A planted tree must grow, a child must mature, the stock market must capitalize. Buffet, with his superior investment instincts, was able to pick out of hundreds of companies the real champions of the future. He did not make a wrong choice. I think that investor's choice should not be based (at least completely) on technical analysis.

The subject of technical analysis is very versatile, so it should be discussed separately.

Out of millions of investors, one is bound to have outstanding investment sense. But it's probably not to his credit. :)

C-4 писал(а) >>

Anecdote 2:

A random straying theorist comes into a shop.
Theorist SB: Hello, please give me a litre of the cheapest port.
At these words the shop assistant pulls out a revolver and kills himself in the head.
During the investigation it was found out that the price at the time of the application of the SB theorist to the seller was 12,389,345,478 roubles for a bottle of the cheapest port wine. This meant that the seller would have had to write off 12,389,345,478 rubles from his wallet to the buyer's account so that the buyer could buy a bottle of port!

Read about geometric Brownian motion.

C-4 >> :

Buffett, with his unparalleled investment instincts, was able to pick the real champions of the future out of hundreds of companies. He didn't make the wrong choice.

Who told you such nonsense, that he was sniffing out something by some inhuman instinct? Read the negative reviews of his work, when he was on the verge of foul-mouthed, selling the shit like it was candy. It's much simpler than that.

gip >> :

Who told you such nonsense, that he was sniffing around with some inhuman instinct? Read the negative reviews about his work, when he was on the verge of selling the shit like it was candy.

In fact, there's a possibility of following Madoff's lead :)