The professional seat of the trader - page 16

Here's a good site for stories about personal bunkers, professional trading and other poncey stuff, by the way.

By the way, "by the way" is also highlighted by commas.

By the way, 'by the way' is also highlighted by commas.

Thank you. (chuckles) Corrected.


... "We are building much safer, from high-strength monolithic reinforced concrete with walls and slabs several metres thick. Such structures are capable of withstanding the explosion of a modern nuclear warhead at a distance of 3 kilometres." ?

By the way why do we need mechanical protection from a nuclear warhead dropping 3 km away? Probably to be able to identify the irradiated corpse) ...

Mishek, why do you write about something you do not know?

Wrong, D(:

tara: By the way, 'by the way' is also highlighted by commas.

Not always. Counterexample:

"He called quite casually".

P.S. But in the case you mentioned, commas are necessary.