The professional seat of the trader - page 10

AlexEro >> :

I don't get it, but I'm not gonna ask you again. It's dangerous. There's been a lot of forum posting here in the last 24 hours..... though most are just from there....

Very funny... However, I haven't been surprised by "arguments" on the forums for a long time now.


Shit! Is there anyone here who is interested in real trading, not defending their pussy size and/or looking for future bigwig action in BP?

OK. That's me in the heat of the moment. Normal people here are the same %% as everywhere else.

Svinozavr >> :

Oh, man, the nephew showed up. // that's my style.

If you want to have a normal conversation, you can call me by my name. But changing the nicknames to be more humorous (the height of wit!) resembles a bazaar bickering.

What are you talking about colleague?

In modern Russian, Khrun and Swinosaurs = the same thing. Here's a poem:

There's a book for sale:

AlexEro >> :

What are you talking about, colleague?

In modern Russian, Khrun and Swinosaurs = the same thing. Here's a poem:

Here's a book for sale:

))) Thank you. It's just that, Alex, I didn't expect this kind of um... surname. Okay, forget it.

AlexEro писал(а) >>

There should be no panic in your workplace precisely. That panic should be in the workplaces of the rest of the world's traders.

Another thing, romance ))))

Helex >> :

Romance is another thing ))))

More romantics here than at some KSPF festival in Grushev !

Isn't the search for the grail romantic? And finding a correlation between BP price and what market makers will do (in the broad sense - not just price trading frameworks), isn't that romantic? )))

I've become twenty years younger! // If things keep going like this I'll start bursting bubbles and peeing in diapers.


2 AlexEro

Congratulations Alex... You have the support of the anonymous four2one. Only somehow I think you're not too happy about it.

Well, remember, as in Omar Khayyam: Poison offered to you by a wise man, take it, // From the hands of a fool take no balsam.

four2one писал(а) >>

1. oooh, piggybearers quoted something from Omar Khayyam, so you've learned how to use a search engine.

2. Now, piggyback critter, read what you quoted again (I told you: "learn Russian language", you mediocrity).

I'll explain it to you - (because piggybackers are not very "sharp"). You praise Alex and then quote him "From the hands of a fool, take no balsam".

Now I like your self-esteem, keep it up! Our piggies are the most "unsharp" in the world!

No need to get personal.


I remember when I was a kid, walking my dog in the yard, a crazy woman kept shouting out the window:

- Boy! Get away with the dog! My baby's asleep! If the dog barks, he'll wake up!


Boys, don't fight. Statts should be measured, statts.

You got a fat statment? Or at least a picture of a workstation with 70 monitors?

AlexEro >> :

Boys, don't fight. Stats are to be measured, stats.

Have you got a fat statement? Or at least a picture of his workplace with 70 monitors?

I could take a picture in sweatpants with my knees stretched out, a T-shirt with some frills and a laptop on my knees.


Why is everyone so obsessed with statemates? And if I say that the Earth revolves around the Sun, do I also need a statemnt?

It's strange sometimes. Suddenly everyone is suspicious of each other. I, for example, read what people write. In fact, I am not in the habit of not trusting without good reason.

I don't need Statment - if the man writes blatant rubbish, what does Statment have to do with it? He does not have any Statment. Or maybe he does - for the same reason.

If I read normal, interesting things, then I don't need statements from their authors. What for?

It's like a child's garden in here sometimes.

Of course, when you need it for analysis and it is the subject of research - of course, you can't do without it.

I'll tell you a secret: I can get an idea what a person is in trading even without his or her statement. I can even name his age and income (not from trading) approximately. The experience allows me to do so.

But that's not what I'm looking for here. I'm just interested in reading smart people who know something I don't, who have more experience in certain areas than I do, etc. For example, I have no experience in multicurrency TS, my programming is a self-made application, etc.