Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 365


I wonder why some people say gold will fall by $260, while others say it will rise by $260? I think it is because of the name Friday 13, i.e. 13 + 13 = 26Пятница,_13

...хотя сам он эту идею позаимствовал из книг «Святая кровь и Святой Грааль» (англ.) ......

So that's where the grail is! :)))))))))))

hilarious...that's right.........


Friends! From reliable sources I have just received information that gold will go up at least 260 quid per troy ounce!!! Who does not believe the great guru quoted by me and did not have time to buy gold, I repeat once again: the signal is one hundred percent!


From reliable say... 100%-й... ;-)


From credible say... 100%-й... ;-)

Yes, yes, 100%! :) You swing 260 quid an ounce and decide that a $28 move in your direction is a sign that your markup is correct? :) Grandpa Yag wrote: "One of the main mistakes beginners make in applying Wave Theory is "confusing" 3of5 and 5of5 ". Take a closer look :)
Yes, yes, a hundred percent! :) You swing 260 quid an ounce and decide that a $28 move in your direction is a sign that your markup is correct? :) Grandpa Yag wrote: "One of the main mistakes beginners make in applying Wave Theory is "confusing" 3of5 and 5of5 ". Take a closer look :)

For gold - it's just the beginning of a downward movement, I'm afraid that at $1000 per ounce the price will not stop, but will go even lower! ))
Necron: Granddad Jag also wrote: "One of the main mistakes beginners make when applying Wave Theory is "confusing" 3of5 and 5of5".

What is the difference, if not a secret? Is it the RSI divider?

Yeah, the redhead hasn't made it to the top yet.


I'm posting an interim forecast of the bot's trading.

During the month it made 270 trades, all trades closed with a profit! not a single losing trade!

After doubling my deposit I withdrew 38.2%, which amounted to 675 Euro, the next withdrawal should be made when the c-wave reaches 261.8% of the correction.


I am posting an intermediate forecast of bot trading.

It made 270 trades in a month, all trades closed with a profit! not a single losing trade!

After doubling my deposit I withdrew 38.2%, which amounted to 675 Euro, the next withdrawal should be made when the c-wave reaches 261.8% of the correction.


