Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 33

silence ))))))))))


timbo писал(а) >>


>>Why is that interesting ?


since when do you use scripts in trading?

>> unbelievable progress.

Galina >> :

I have a question for you...

Well, if I may, I would like your advice...

I've been waiting for my MEGA pose for months now.

>> neuroba will do the cowgirl pose or the 69 pose

Mischek писал(а) >>


Who said anything about going sour? There's enough salt to go around... It's easy to pity the distant and faceless... who can pity the dear one?

cablyk >> :

Not a hussar

O prophet!!! NYROBA, where are you?
Comedy recalls )))))
Mischek >> :

>> not a hussar.