Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 272


Bocman писал(а) >>

Вопрос тргда такой вы готовы поставиь половину своего депозита на исполнение данного прогноза я имею ввиду вы на уровне 12800 покупаете евро и закрываете на уровне 15400 и ни в коем случае ни раньше


Yes, I am! Moreover, I am in the process of opening two PAMM accounts,
at different brokers, so that everything happens in real time.

Well, kaput to two PAMMs: 50% of depo, -280 pips = finita la comedy....

I wonder, when will people stop "predicting" (and so confidently) and start simply following the market, i.e. trading?

Good luck.
VladislavVG >>:

Ну вот, капут двум ПАММам: 50% от депо, -280 пипсов = финита ля комедия....

Интересно, и когда народ перестанет "прогнозировать" (да еще и так безапеляционно) и начнет просто идти за рынком, то есть торговать ? не уж то зарабатывать не хочется ?


Niroba wrote

At 1.27-1.28 you can buy until at least 1.54...

Let's wait six months.
FreeLance >>:

Нироба писал

Подождём полгодика.

You probably do not understand that there is nothing to wait for and it is not a forecast ?

Let me tell you a secret: you can buy (as well as sell) with the same success and expectation of half a year/year from any level and nobody's permission is required ;)....

Good luck.

This is rhetorical (like my previous post) - no reply required, well, kind of joking notes....
Such posts are simply impossible to take seriously. This is about Alex's prediction style and my comments....
VladislavVG писал(а) >>

Here we go, kaput to two PAMMs: 50% of depo, -280 pips = finita la comedy....

I wonder, when will people stop "predicting" (and so confidently) and start simply following the market, i.e. trading?

>> Good luck.

I have bought 200k through VTB-24. Euro, waiting for 1.54-1.55.
I stated my opinion on dollar index yesterday here

gip писал(а) >>
According to his picture, the US should be in trouble right now. Bombs are planted, the Mujahideen will not fail? The golden ratio cannot be broken, it will be the end of the world. Mujahideen will save the world.

He just forgot one thing that besides 161.8, there are at least 205, 261, 333, and 361 active levels.
And since the 61y8 was mercilessly broken on the daily range, he will have to seriously rewrite his forecast... And then he will have to justify the error in his calculations...

Here's a picture of the weekly data...


Azzx >>:

left the forum unattended for a week...
forte928 >>:

Он только одну вещь забыл что кроме 161.8 существуют по крайней мере еще активно работающие уровни 205, 261,333, 361..
А так как 61ю8 был нещадно пробит на дневном диапазоне то придется ему серьезно переписывать свой прогноз..И потом опрадываться что у него в расчетах ошибка..

Вот картинка недельных данных..

Actually, in order to make the "Buy at the very bottom and get the second bottom as a gift" situation happen as rarely as possible, traders have long been using signal confirmation, i.e. the tactic of following the market. In this situation it would look as follows: we should not only wait for the price to reach a certain level, but also wait for the counter signal after the rebound, i.e. signal of trend change by the model, by which this trend is determined.
IMHO - it is more correct to use zones, not levels.

Good luck.

Я прикупил через ВТБ-24 200тыс. Евро, жду отметку 1.54-1.55.
Своё мнение по индексу доллара изложил здесь

If you bought as you said: at 50% of the depo from 1.2800, there is nothing to expect ;). And opinion, alas, does not pour into the deposit ;)....
If you just bought euros in the bank, you have now lost a significant part of the value, but there is a chance to turn into an investor and wait for growth. But then you are misleading forum members.

Good luck.

bank писал(а) >>

left the forum unattended for a week...